Sentences with phrase «flashback sequence»

A "flashback sequence" is when a story or movie goes back in time to show something that happened earlier. It is like remembering something from the past while you are in the present. Full definition
Monroe will appear in flashback sequences with Lipinski (who plays the young version of Brolin's convict and bears a frightening resemblance to him) as Mandy, a farm girl romanced by Brolin / Lipinski before he left for Vietnam, who will later become his wife and the mother of his child.
I am hoping for flashback sequences of baby Cesar, although great action will do just fine.
Bottom line apart from extra fight bits and various other odd small scenes the main crux of the director's cut are a few flashback sequences where Riddick sees a spirit - like entity of one of his people.
The film contains a key flashback sequence at about the half - way point.
A family car trip highlights the friction between two sisters, the cause of which is explored through flashback sequences in this comedic graphic novel.
Blunt's take on Norah is marginally less successful, although she certainly does an adequate job of Norah's conflicts and destructive personality traits, while allowing her moments of truth, particularly in scenes shared with flashback sequences of her mother.
An extended flashback sequence adds vital backstory to the Phantom; the 1919 - set framing device is more effectively developed; the trademark chandelier crash has been moved from the live theater - friendly midpoint to a more film - appropriate third act position.
A new behind - the - scenes picture from Avengers 4 throws fuel on the fires of a rumor that the movie will feature extensive flashback sequences.
Rogers had just lost both parents in a short period of time, sending him into an alcohol - numbed depression that kept him homebound and jobless; Beuca was grieving the recent death of her brother (their life glimpsed in beautifully shot flashback sequences), while trying to reconcile their inability to have children.
In «The World's End», he moves his style further, involving 16 mm film in the opening flashback sequences of King and his cohorts» youthful exuberance in all of their montage driven glory.
As we noted in the review for the first film, the decision to do flashback sequences in a different animation style just set this toonhead's heart a flutter.
An early flashback sequence in Thor # 299 - 300 revealed that Valkyrie and Thor were lovers for a time in the ancient past, which could be factored into Thor: Ragnarok in some fashion given Marvel Studios» president Kevin Feige's recent confirmation that Natalie Portman would not be reprising her role as Jane Foster - and the likelihood that Sif, should she appear as Jamie Alexander said she would, she won't survive the experience.
The only things keeping «Hatchet II» above mediocrity, for me, is the great flashback sequence explaining more of Crowley's origin, and the slam - bang finale that replicates some of that fun I had with the first.
You can turn them on if you want and they automatically return during flashback sequences of the first game.
Flashback sequences between Jericho and Claire are also a great help.
He doesn't have much to do, but an exposition - heavy flashback sequence where the character's true loyalties are revealed is one of the film's biggest highlights.
(It's worth noting, too, that the movie's opening stretch boasts an unexpectedly heartbreaking flashback sequence involving Peter's deceased father.)
Then an ill - conceived flashback sequence breaks the film's linear movement.
The addition of several flashback sequences revealing a much younger Max (played by Freddie Highmore) is a nice touch, but it doesn't offer anything new about his relationship with Henry that the audience doesn't already know.
Though it has a lot of fun playing with slasher tropes and cinema in general (showing the way Max and her friends are affected by elements like musical cues, monochromatic flashback sequences and slow motion within the fictional movie), the film isn't funny or scary enough, ultimately becoming a victim of its own satire due to its insistence on preserving the genre's traditionally bad acting and writing.
The pacing suffers from the disconnection that can occur when far too many flashback sequences interrupt the flow of the main storyline, and the dramatic twist and eventual resolution border on absurd.
The story is interspersed with truly bizarre flashback sequences shot in black - in - white that look like they were filmed with hand - held Super-8 cameras.
That sad fate befell Kaylie and Tim's parents (Katee Sackhoff and Rory Cochrane), whom we see in flashback sequences interwoven with the siblings» present - day attempts to conquer this evil piece of furniture.
The first ten - minutes feature a double - dose of shock treatment and the director constructs acute flashback sequences to connect all the missing links throughout the film.
Chock full with clunky life mantras and faux sepia flashback sequences there is a distinct made for TV feel about the whole affair.
Thus far, reports are claiming that the R - rating is for violence not sexuality or nudity, so if there is a Killing Joke flashback sequence, it would just be violent, it wouldn't necessarily go full Killing Joke with it.
Non-American versions of this film include a WWII flashback sequence showing MacLeod rescuing Rachael, where he tells her «It's a kind of magic».
Through a series of carefully orchestrated flashback sequences, we learn how these two tortured souls came to be, and what indeed brought them together.
Though she doesn't crack the case — instead, like in Ocean's Eleven, we learn Jimmy got away with the money through an elaborate flashback sequence — she does make an appearance at Clyde's bar at the end of the movie.
Soaked in a yellow - blue aesthetic, Anthony Dod Mantle's quietly astonishing cinematography shifts between muted flashback sequences to the more exceptional fast - paced storm and open sea scenes.
Plus, Titans could be casting some major flashback sequences, set pictures from Venom, and more.
There are reports that Peggy Carter will be back for the sequel, with Hayley Atwell reprising the role in the 1940s flashback sequences.
A pair of flashback sequences designed to address Jerry's troubled childhood threaten to derail the film midway through — a combination of bad acting and writing that highlights some of the tonal inconsistencies in the script — but thankfully, the remainder of the movie rests firmly on Reynolds» shoulders, who channels Norman Bates as the sweet but creepy schizophrenic.
Beyond that, the ad promises that the gig, which will be shot on location at the main Infinity War set in Atlanta, will be a steady one, indicating that we're not looking at a quick flashback sequence, temporary hallucination or the like.
In an excruciating flashback sequence, the Grinch is given a childhood with an arch enemy and a secret crush on one of the Whoville girls.
The film plays like a companion piece to Usher, but one eager to push beyond its limits, particularly in its tinted flashback sequences.
And one giant weakness in the film comes in an info dump flashback sequence near the end, when Simmons» character tells a revealing story about his past.
The main protagonist is a young COG by the name of Damon Baird, who should already be very familiar to all Gears fans from being the sidekick to Marcus Fenix, but here in Judgment — Baird has a story of his own to tell in a series of flashback sequences used to tell the events leading up to why a small Kilo Squad are being judged in a military COG court.
In the midst of this you will come across some characters that will help you along your journey, and the occasional flashback sequence will shine some more light on the big picture of the war.
Sega made sure to add a nice written summary of all Yakuza games so far, as well as a very long flashback sequence at the beginning of the game, teaching newcomers everything they need to know about the franchise prior to the beginning of Yakuza 6.
This elderly gentleman recounts his time spent with the massive creature named Trico, which makes this game more of a playable flashback sequence.
The extended flashback sequences do explain why Darwin saw his daughter as irreplaceable but, ultimately, like all other fragile living beings in his writings, the weaker movies will be eliminated by bad box - office return.
This seems to add fuel to speculati0on that the the 2019 film will feature extensive flashback sequences, or possibly even time travel.
To call Early Man wildly anachronistic would be an understatement: the opening flashback sequence that depicts humans and dinosaurs living side by side is but the first of its obvious and unclever bizarrities.
The Farrellys have made some questionable storytelling decisions before, but one of the best and silliest was drafting Rex Allen Jr. (son of the late Rex Allen, «The Voice of the West») to narrate the film, necessitated by an early flashback sequence.
There are also some great flashback sequences that blew my socks off.
The latter is featured briefly in a special manga, but is primarily seen in flashback sequences during Dragon Ball Z. His appearance is almost identical to that of his son.
Comedy fans will recognize Emmett Vogan as the engineer partner of nominal leading man Charles Lang in W.C. Fields» Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (1941), and as the prosecuting attorney in the flashback sequences of Laurel and Hardy's The Bullfighters (1945).
Effects are standard CGI fare and nothing special but the flashback sequence to Caviezel's home world is a nice looking animation.
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