Sentences with phrase «flat dumbbell press»

If you start out by doing flat dumbbell presses the amount of weight you can use when you get to 90 degrees will be severely limited.
Day 1 - Chest, Back, and Arms 75 Degree Incline Press Flat Dumbbell Press Incline Flyes One Arm Rows Two Arm Rows Pullovers Dumbell Curl Incline Curls Overhead Triceps Extensions Lying Tri Ext
To be safe, do shoulder - friendly variations wherever possible (e.g. replace barbell shoulder press with high incline neutral grip dumbbell press; replace bench press with neutral grip flat dumbbell press).
Chest Incline Bench Press (alternate with Incline Dumbbell Press every other workout) 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 reps Flat Dumbbell Press (Chest Dips every other workout) 3 sets of 10 - 12 reps Incline Flyes 3 sets of 12 - 15 reps (alternate with Flat Flyes every other workout)
For example, instead of doing just flat dumbbell presses, they let you do the incline version which works the lower parts of your pecs better.
3) Flat Dumbbell Press (using same weight as for the incline dumbbell presses): 2 - 3 sets of maximum amount of reps you can do with good form (no rest)
What I like to do is to focus on two main exercises like incline dumbbell press and flat dumbbell press (for chest) and do 4 sets of 12 - 15 reps for both exercises.
The flat dumbbell press hits the overall chest extremely well.
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