Sentences with phrase «flat pillow»

I slept with one flat pillow under my head and a very light blanket over my legs.
However, other straight flat pillows give leverage for knee and chest comfort.
There are too many sad and flat pillows out there.
Back sleepers might want to opt for flatter pillows so their head won't be pushed forward and their esophagus won't be constricted when laying down.
Back sleepers — People who love sleeping on their back can gain maximum comfort from flatter pillows.
Or, if you are a back sleeper but have a completely flat pillow, you are not getting the head support you need to sleep soundly and comfortably.
My last suggestion is to put your baby in his crib on a flat pillow (again, check safety issues), not only his head, but a large part of his back.
Use warm compress by wet washcloths or a flat pillow.
So, if needed add another flat pillow under your nursing pillow.
Check out baby care stores that may have special small and flat pillows.
Having a pillow that supports your neck and head with a little give is important for your cervical spine, even if you prefer a flatter pillow.
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