Sentences with phrase «flattened picture plane»

The energetic abstract works executed during this period push the boundaries of the flattened picture plane and speak to her immersion in the Abstract Expressionist milieu in New York at midcentury.
But the over-complicated line on the flattened picture plane worked against them, reducing them to an illustrative mode of Cubism.
The spare, realistic rendering employs a limited palate of flesh tones, browns and khakis and a flattened picture plane to so clearly evoke this woman's rugged and hardworking existence.
The two paintings in the show, «Nursing School Graduates» and «Highschool Graduate,» are good examples of Stout's most successful syntheses of descriptive form and his insistence on flattening the picture plane.
The elimination of recognizable, three - dimensional space flattens the picture plane and shifts attention to Howard's figures, which she handles differently than clothing.
During his search for a different dimension, resulting in paintings where line and colour do not flatten the picture plane but projects it in front of it instead, Caziel's career gathered momentum.

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Amorphous shapes, sharp - edged logos, scything blocks of colour and silky veils of tinted varnish intrude into Stubbs» picture planes, fragmenting the surface; it is as though the physicality of the works are coming up against the pixilation of the flattened, immaterial space of the digital image.
The trail flattens across the picture plane, creating an erratic tension against the more literal space of the hill, a noticeable nod to the Abstract Expressionists whose legacy Welliver was highly conscious of.
There is a well - worn narrative of twentieth century painting that goes like this: From Cezanne to Picasso to Pollock, the illusionistic space of painting flattened more and more until the picture plane and the surface created by the paint itself became the primary subject matter, eliminating images altogether in favor of abstraction.
This moved the surface sharply toward the picture plane, flattening and reducing the space.
Alongside the recent developments in the artist's material choices, Ofili has remained faithful to a pictorial style that relies on a conscious flattening of the picture plane, carefully layered surfaces, and diverse, history - spanning sources of inspiration.
By contrast, squares are flattened in Block Party (2013), maxing out the picture plane and yielding only slivers of a mid-afternoon sky blue surrounding large fields of hot - brick red and a summery white - gray.
Most viewers won't notice the structure, which helps flatten the imagery against the picture plane, a goal of advanced painting of the time, but it's what gives the picture its rigor and helps keep it fresh 36 years after it was painted.
The flattened, frieze - like perspective of these works creates dizzying scenes of simultaneous action, and his strong vertical lines and recessed figures create a spatial understanding that invite the viewer into the picture plane.
Each painting is an amalgamation of events happening at once, flattened into one picture plane, with shifting layers of debris that distort and fracture the horizon.
Chanel Von Habsburg - Lothringen's photographed mounds of her grandmother's clothing represent the flattening power of photography and its ability to merge three dimensional objects into a single picture plane.
The low placement of the seated figure crowds the picture plane, further flattening the subject.
At the same time, a systematic approach to the building of the picture space, by the application of flattened planes of colour and the box - like compositional structure anticipates Hitchen's more formally abstract works of later in the decade.
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