Sentences with phrase «flattens body tone»

This causes the body to become stale and stops growth or flattens body tone.

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Furthermore, people also discover how to lose tummy fat to tone up their whole body, how to flatten their baby belly in just minutes a day, and how to firm up and tone their legs, hips and bottom.
Research backed by the American Academy of Pediatrics states that «with prolonged immobilization on a firm mattress or a flat bed (as in a stroller), the constant influence of gravity flattens the body surface against the mattress producing positional disorders and infants with decreased muscle tone (Short, 1996)».
Not only is spending most of the day flat on your back bad for your hips but infants who lie frequently on their backs in a stroller may end up with plagiocephaly (deformed skulls, flattened on the back or side) and deformed bodies with poor muscle tone (Bonnet, 1998).
You may want to start getting ready for wearing a bikini, work on increasing muscle tone or flattening your stomach, lose the mufifn top etc — if you need to lose fat or maybe you want to drop a few lbs, be specific with the amount put a number to the lbs you want to lose and take your body measurements so you can see your progress as weighing yourself doesn't always show your result, especially if you are gaining muscle and toning up.
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