Sentences with phrase «flavivirus family»

The scientists also conducted the same study with dengue, which is from the same flavivirus family as Zika and is thought to share many characteristics with it.
Zika's surface protein — the primary target of antibodies — looks extremely similar to those on dengue and West Nile virus, members of the same flavivirus family.
The results provide scientists around the globe with new information about the NS1 protein's role in Zika virus infections, and expands scientists» understanding of the flavivirus family, which also includes dengue, West Nile and yellow fever.
Furthermore, the defects observed are specific to an infection by ZIKV, as other neurotropical viruses of the flavivirus family (West Nile virus, yellow fever,...) did not cause microcephaly, in contrast to Zika virus.
«We worked on the dengue virus 20 years ago, and when Zika popped up in the news, we knew immediately that the two mosquito - borne viruses were related members of the flavivirus family,» Robert Linhardt, Ph.D., says.
We found material from the brain that matched the flavivirus family, to which West Nile belongs.
Stettler et al. analyzed 119 monoclonal antibodies isolated from four donors that were infected with Zika virus during the present epidemic, including two individuals that had previously been infected with dengue virus, another member of the flavivirus family.
But experts are still uncertain which member of the flavivirus family is to blame; they are investigating the West Nile virus, endemic in Africa, and the Kunjin virus of Australia and Southeast Asia.
Zika is a member of the flavivirus family of viruses, which includes West Nile virus, yellow fever virus, and dengue viruses, for which successful vaccines have been developed.
The result — the first complete structure of a virus in the flavivirus family — reveals a layered, soccer - ball - like shape lacking the spiky projections characteristic of many human viruses, the researchers report in the 8 March issue of Cell.
Zika is a member of the flavivirus family, which also includes viruses such as Dengue Fever and Yellow Fever.
Zika is a member of the flavivirus family (which also includes Yellow Fever virus, dengue virus, West Nile virus and many other viruses primarily spread by mosquito vectors) and I do not know of any others in this family that have been shown to be sexually transmitted.
Dengue and West Nile viruses are members of the flavivirus family, which includes yellow fever and several encephalitis viruses.
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