Sentences with phrase «flaw in one's analysis»

A massive flaw in the analysis is the biased nature of the data.
I recommend limiting withdrawals to 5 % (plus inflation) for the first five years just in case there is a hidden flaw in my analysis.
Professor Shiller's Web Site I do know that there can be flaws in the analysis of Small Capitalization stocks.
As I understand it, Knud Jahnke of the Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam found major flaws in the analysis.
In our response to the Department for Transport consultation we made it clear that there were potential flaws in the analysis, several assumptions were made in crucial areas and serious questions have been left unanswered.
An entomology journal has issued its first retraction during the current editor's nearly 30 - year tenure — for a 2016 study with serious flaws in the analyses.
In «The Case Against Michelle Rhee,» Paul Peterson presents three alleged flaws in my analysis «The Rhee DC Record: No Better Than Her Predecessors Vance and Janey.»
However, there is again a key flaw in this analysis in terms of the comparability of the charter sample to the traditional public school sample.
They make some very generous assumptions about the availability of wind, but the true flaw in their analysis is that they completely gloss over the rare earth requirements for their utopian scheme and simply point out that availability of some other materials (lithium, indium) may be a problem.
A most enjoyable and interesting read as always Mark, although I've identified a massive flaw in your analysis: surely it should be «Leicester were back in the game» not «was back in the game».
However, one major flaw in this analysis, noted by Santer et al., is that Christy removed the effects of ENSO and volcanoes from the observational TLT data, but not from the model data.
Additionally, the Department openly and publicly admitted the flaws in its analysis regarding the supposed misbehavior by insurance agents and acknowledged that «direct empirical evidence about the frequency of such misbehavior is limited.»
«The paper suggests a flaw in the analysis of the U.S. State Department, because it did not consider this effect when addressing President Obama's request to know the incremental effect of the pipeline on emissions.»
There is no flaw in my analysis, you simply see what you see in the video, and I see it differently.
There are lots of flaws in this analysis.
However, it might take cryptographers years to determine whether an attack would succeed — Don Coppersmith, a cryptographer with IBM in Yorktown, New York, and one of the designers of DES, claims to have found a flaw in the analysis, though Courtois says the criticism does not apply to the latest version of the attack.
If you think I have a flaw in my analysis, please tell me where you think I'm wrong in comments.
Given those assumptions, but there is a flaw in this analysis because women's portfolios are lower than men's.
Of course, the flaw in that analysis is that you ignored the fact that pre-tax money goes into the RRSP — in a fair comparison, you'd really start with $ 2152 in your RRSP, which would then experience the 200 % growth, and even after taxes on withdrawal would leave you with $ 3000, showing that the RRSP does indeed completely shelter gains from taxes when you account for the pre-tax nature properly.
Among the flaws in their analysis were small, dissimilar samples of cats, and a failure to account for highly skewed data sets.
A while ago, I received a request to publish a paper on a post that I had written here on RealClimate, exposing the flaws in the analysis of Humlum et al., (2011).
I suggest a flaw in analysis which is the apparent segmentation of the Upper Air profile, in the Arctic, the real action is happening between 1000 and 650 mb, segmenting upper air levels 850,700, and 500 mb reduces resolution and misses some real important air volumes at higher pressures, where anything can happen between 1000 and 850, 850 and 750 mb etc... Raobcore profile looks a little unrealistic, and it is likely that the models are more correct for the lower troposphere than Raobcore.
That would be a shame, because I believe it's one of the most important works published on energy and the environment to date, with or without any flaws in its analyses.
I'll adopt the FTAs» estimates for the sake of argument, despite some flaws in their analyses, noted here.
There is a flaw in your analysis, though.
ngard 2016, there may be a flaw in your analysis.
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