Sentences with phrase «flawed design of»

These conditions have unfortunately been created by many ICO campaigns (recent examples include Status and Bancor), due to flawed design of the token sale models.
however, many gamers were angered by the flawed design of the add - on.
In the precious moments between diaper changes, I've been talking with an old friend, paleontologist Niles Eldredge, about the apparently flawed design of the human organism.

Not exact matches

It's been 32 years since the Chernobyl disaster, a nuclear reactor meltdown caused by a mix of design flaws and human error.
The company said an independent probe into certain payments the company made revealed «management override, flawed design or ineffective enforcement of controls» in relation to hiring agents for two of its projects.
Roy and Ryan Seiders's creation of the $ 500 million Yeti brand of outdoor gear was born of a design flaw discovered when Roy was building a better boat.
In 2008, PCWorld magazine reported that a U.S. District Court judge ordered the cancellation of a Defcon talk by three MIT students who planned to reveal design flaws in the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's electronic ticketing system.
A group of researchers found design flaws in Samsung's SmartThings that leaves users vulnerable, reports Wired.
The authors of the chess study later described the 15 - minute time limits as a flaw in experimental design.
But that was in the middle of an ugly recall of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7, which had a propensity to overheat and even explode due to a flawed battery design.
This post will walk you through the key elements of designing an effective sales pipeline structure, as well as enabling you to diagnose some of the fundamental flaws that likely exist in your existing process.
With regard to computer programming, «integer overflow» is the result of a design flaw, usually occurring when mathematical operations in a given system create a value outside the representable range of the system.
However, the QE programmes of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Bank of Japan (BoJ) both suffer critical design flaws.
«It's kind of a design flaw to issue a product that can mathematically go to zero in a day,» said Nick Colas, co-founder of DataTrek.
Moreover, recent German threats to throw Greece out of the Euro zone only further masks what is increasingly becoming evident: the Euro is a flawed and poorly designed institution that condemns Europe and her citizens to many more years of misery.
It's common for retailers to require their suppliers to have a product liability policy explained in the first scenario above because if a product fails as a result of a manufacturing flaw or design flaw, they want to make sure there is a layer of protection between the manufacturer or importer and themselves and that their supplier will be able to handle the financial responsibilities of a product failure including paying any fines or legal defense costs.
Bitcoin split into two, essentially, because of the network's flawed design from the outset, which prevented it from being able to keep up with the recent massive growth in the user base and the number of transactions those users are facilitating.
your god asked for human sacrifice in order to save his flawed creatures he designed and then promised to burn forever 99 % of all humans that ever lived.
The whole theory of ID starts with a flawed idea that there is something bigger than us that can design us.
If I designed / engineered something with all the flaws of design as we see around us and in us I'd be fired.
Our eyes are flawed in design as the blood supply of our retina lies over many of the sensors and blocks light.
After a bunch o» begatting, the flaw in God's design made him pissy again, so he decides to slaughter everyone for jollies, and what the heck, all the animals except two of each.
Almost every believer I have ever talked to wants to use the logic of complex creations requiring a creator but fail to grasp the simple and unavoidable flaw in that logic which is that the super complex entlty it would take to design and build the universe would then by its own complexity require a more complex entlty to have created it and so on.
The likelihood of more than one designer who, while intelligent, has made and has admitted to making numerous mistakes; has moved on to better and more complicated designs and really has no interest in us, a product of an earlier and inherently flawed creation / design
Assume for the sake of argument that the designer must be intelligent (ignoring of course many designs / results which from our own experience are flawed or counterproductive) 3.
In brief: Such websites point to logical and factual flaws in the writings of the Intelligent Design movement and take issue as well with their intellectual honesty — as when, ever eager to write the obituary for Darwinian theory, they fail to acknowledge progress in evolutionary biology.
How evil to create something you know will be destined to an existence of eternal suffering because of your (god's) design flaws.
Turkle, the author of Alone Together, doesn't think this is a design flaw: «The messiness is what allows for true exchange.
We would defend Collins on this, since the identification of design in cosmology is not about finding flaws in the functioning of the universe's physics, but about the way the physical laws are established in the first place.
The watchmaker argument is flawed in that equates something that does not occur in nature, and applies the logic of design and purpose onto nature in a very arbitrary way.
Despite its minor flaws, St. Thomas Aquinas is an inspiring and transcendent design — one that may encourage ecclesiastical architects to save spolia from the wrecking ball and bring the best of historical architecture to bear on more such numinous houses of worship.
But even if you overcome the limitations of that flawed design, I'm still going to condemn you to an eternity of torment — unless you believe in one religion out of the thousands that have existed.»
Citing examples of deforestation for agriculture, plastic islands, and diminishing air quality, he said traditional design structures were flawed.
Using this tool will assist designers with identification of problem areas and potential design flaws that limit the effectiveness of cleaning and / or operational sanitation concerns.
The Confederations Cup final will be played Sunday on a pitch with a major design flaw, and there are no easy solutions ahead of next summer.
I have a few (dozen) more boxes of books to find room for, perhaps a shelf more to build (we put this room together entirely from things we already had or found), and there is the one major design flaw in need of a fix.
I found it hard to pick out any major flaws in the design of the Union 3 - in - 1 Convertible Crib or any shortcomings in its quality.
Both of these issues could be due to a flaw in the car seat design or with the model of car and type of backseat (i.e. bucket seats).
In addition to the design flaws of previous bath seats, studies showed that parents who used the seats did not observe bath seat safety.
The family of a child who died this year in a Winnie the Pooh bassinet has sued the Walt Disney Co., alleging the company allowed sales of the bassinets despite a flawed design that had been linked to another baby's death a year earlier.
These clothes are rejected from factories for a small or unnoticeable flaw in the weave or design of the cloth.
The crib industry robbed my family of our most precious gift, our ten - month - old «Tye», when it decided to keep a flawed crib design on the market, putting profits over safety.
A team of techs, including three instructors, all agreed after over an hour with the seat that it is incompatible in my vehicle with the base, and that the quick flip recline is a design flaw.
Are you pointing at a flaw in the institutional design of the legislative and judiciary branches in CEE, or at an existing contest of power between courts and parliaments?
Auditors faulted «a range of design and process flaws» in the health exchange's process for checking eligibility.
Though it is being explained differently, the move is seen by some watchdogs as designed only to target specific contracts and not intended to address what they say is a flawed system plagued by the appearance and risk of corruption, if not worse.
Also highly flawed is the design of the new Joint Commission on Public Ethics.
Governor Cuomo's crowing over his agreement to establish a voluntary program of public financing for the campaign for state Comptroller hid a fatal flaw — the program is designed to fail.
Researchers hoping to slow the march of age were dealt a blow in 2010, when signs that an enzyme called sirtuin 2 extended the life of worms were shown to be false due to flawed experimental design.
A Chernobyl can not happen here — a survey by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) established that our reactors are free of the design flaws that permitted Chernobyl to explode, and in the United States a typical reactor core is surrounded by multiple enclosures to block the escape of radioactive material even in the event of an accident.
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