Sentences with phrase «flawed idea»

There's something to be said for stick - with - it - ness, but most entrepreneurs stick with flawed ideas and plans way longer than they should.
As other people have suggested here, that's a very flawed idea.
Don't compare God or God's will to the high minded flawed ideas of men.
«This is a fundamentally flawed idea which was proposed by certain head teachers in an attempt to shift accountability from the school to individual teachers.»
Both books demonstrate convincingly how the normal course of learning can perpetuate flawed ideas.
He also rejects as flawed the idea that opening a new, innovative school will damage other local schools.
Everyone who was part of the alliance to oppose this self - evidently flawed idea — parents, headteachers, local government, Labour and some Conservative MPs and councillors — should be proud of the role that they played in forcing the government into «reverse gear».
It's a somewhat flawed idea because it heavily implies that the systems (the ludic part) and the story (the narrative) are different things and that's usually not really the case as Brenda Romero highlights in her experimental game series, «the mechanic is the message».
You have persistently ignored them and continue to present completely sophomoric and utterly flawed ideas.
If we do nt» t get rid of flawed ideas more easily than this — I fear that bad ideas will flourish, suffocate our creation of wealth and limit our ability to prosper.
It does not take into consideration frame, bone size, muscle mass, and much more.I could get on a soap box about the fact that they have routinely introduced to flawed idea of the BMI into the school system.
The whole theory of ID starts with a flawed idea that there is something bigger than us that can design us.
At least according to YOUR definition of «god» perhaps.By placing your «god» outside of the known universe, you then protect your flawed idea of a god from scrutiny, simply saying god doesn't have to play by the rules, is pure speculation in a) the existance of a «god» and b) where or how this «god» exists if not in our existance.
The usual scare I get from Christians when I say I'm bisexual is the flawed idea that I'm going to need both a male and female partner.
The British core was a flawed idea which died a slow death.
Unless Davis is definitely going pro after next year either way, then tearing a redshirt off for two regular season games of six to eight carries sounds like a flawed idea.
Another flawed idea is the proposal of a staggered break, with Premier League games continuing throughout it due to half of the clubs starting their shutdown one week and the rest starting theirs the week after.
In short, it's a hard sell to suggest that role model is a flawed idea that needs more careful scrutiny.
The TU says Cuomo's «commendable» proposal to address sexual harassment in the workplace is «marred by a flawed idea that would let governments off the hook in sexual harassment settlements.»
This is why I have resisted the subscription system, which is a flawed idea even though it proliferates in the music business.
Meanwhile Hachette Livre chairman and c.e.o. Arnaud Nourry said in a recent interview that e-book subscription sites are a flawed idea.
WHEREAS, even the most sincere lawmakers can get swept along momentarily by well marketed but flawed ideas; and
To me this use of screen size classes is a flawed idea — It would be kind of like giving a Hummer an Energy Star label because it has the best fuel economy of the Ultra Pig class.
The problem with helping lawyers to better market their practice is they can't be helped much until you disabuse them of their flawed ideas of what «real marketing» is (reading Dan Kennedy is a good way to start to fix that).
It's another reason why tying health insurance to employment is a flawed idea.
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