Sentences with phrase «flawed idea of»

At least according to YOUR definition of «god» perhaps.By placing your «god» outside of the known universe, you then protect your flawed idea of a god from scrutiny, simply saying god doesn't have to play by the rules, is pure speculation in a) the existance of a «god» and b) where or how this «god» exists if not in our existance.
Don't compare God or God's will to the high minded flawed ideas of men.

Not exact matches

Though the clearest manifestation of wilful blindness may be the way we overlook the flaws of our loved ones, it can just as easily skew our perceptions of ideas.
The idea of enlisting outsiders to find vulnerabilities isn't exactly new — Google's (GOOG) «bug bounty» program pays independent researchers who find security flaws in its products.
• Bad economic theory: Greenspan's «oops» moment came when he told Congress he found a flaw in his idea that bank executives would never do anything that would hurt the reputations, never mind the survival, of their institutions.
An event last Wednesday at the American Enterprise Institute showcased two new studies that use actual tax data from the IRS — rather than flawed survey data — to get a better idea of how retirees are doing financially.
The whole theory of ID starts with a flawed idea that there is something bigger than us that can design us.
In fact, that this election became less about conflicting ideas for achieving the same goal (the common good of Americans) and more about making sure everyone knows your opponents» deep character flaws is axiomatic.
Your belief is flawed because you've accepted the premise of an idea which can not possibly be falsified.
You have no idea what you are talking about with your fairy tale illusion of what you THINK salvation is all about... it's a ridiculous concept based on flawed foundations right from the get go... here is my EVIDENCE... The record in Samuel tells us that it was the Lord who tempted David to do the numbering; that in Chronicles says it was Satan.
I can tell you when I sat in the grass with Doug Pagitt in 1996 (I think) and he was dreaming of starting his church and the ideas and desire to be real and true and different... I believe the intention was authentic... then ego, greed, status, book deals, money and the inability to admit a flaw messed him up.
The idea that this couple had any delusions that who they are, fundamentally, changes in any way just because they recited some incantations and signed a marriage certificate shows how flawed their perception of reality is.
Once again we would say that the idea of any lack of «entire specification» — that is a lack of intrinsic intelligibility in matter — is flawed.
I suggest that biographies of prominent writers of recent times will show over and over again how the idea of God as pre-empting creaturely decisions, with the resulting problem of evil, has been the flaw that has chiefly led to agnosticism or outright atheism.
All of his rambling above seems to be a poor attempt at reconciling the flaws with religion with the ingrained idea that god must exist.
This idea of religion in some ways having to be able to solve everything, including character flaws, sounds so promising but often fails to deliver.
I could go on and on about this, but here's the point: There are numerous flaws with the idea that the death of Jesus paid the penalty for our sins or satisfied the wrath of God.
But among my plaudits, I have also said that some of Niebuhr's ideas and actions were flawed and are now dated.
You can only invoke Pascal's Wager because of a flaw in your axioms: That only YOUR god - idea exists.
If you really don't understand that we have multiple theories of gravity and that they all have flaws, then you've pretty much just proven my point that you have no idea what you're talking about.
By contrast, Atheists do not seek to punish people for their ideas on how the world works, but rather to let people know that their belief system is flawed; that the burden of proof is not on their side.
According to Radner, the book's argument is flawed because it adopts the modern notion that «one's ideas form the basis of religious identity and integrity» and touts the rectification of bad ideas as the key to alleviating contemporary problems.
that their religion is flawed somehow... and when questioned why they try to push their ideas on everybody else, they get frustrated and say that it's the Religious ones that push their ideas on people... NOT THEM... That's funny because i have about 1000 comments on this thread that state the opposite... Atheist's i see on this post appear to fall into that category of people that need to try and convince others to believe what they do because they're not sure in their own beliefs... They know that believing in the big bang theory or other similar theories takes as much faith as any religion has to offer... and when pinned down to the facts that By the laws of physics... the big bang couldn't happen....
While I agree it would be good to be in for Griezmann and other players like him, the idea that just going out and spending huge amounts of money buying x number of world class players will give you a winning team has been shown to be flawed.
Of course it has flaws, and I agree the academic community has different standards, but I don't think he created it to inform the academic community, or have his ideas published in academic journals.
I still cling on to the old fashioned idea of fair play, but when you examine how Britain built its empire, that concept does appear a tad flawed.
He notably did not endorse the man who defeated him in the GOP primary, Carl Paladino, and also took his erstwhile Democratic target, Andrew Cuomo, to task, calling both candidates «flawed individuals, flawed in terms of public character, flawed in terms of ideas and principles that will restore growth and pride to our great state.»
As you'll recall, Lazio had some harsh words for both Paladino and his Democratic opponent, AG Andrew Cuomo, when he bowed out of the race, calling them «flawed individuals, flawed in terms of public character, flawed in terms of ideas and principles that will restore growth and pride to our great state.»
He also admitted and addressed some of the flaws in his paper — it contains «very few new ideas», and the compulsion that might be necessary for some of his proposals to have teeth isn't possible because «voluntary means voluntary» — but what was striking was his stress on mutuality; the importance of community; and the strength to society that comes from volunteering.
But business interests aside — and he insists he had written off the idea of getting his money back long ago — Casale also said he has «bigger concerns» about Wendy Long's character that makes him believe she's too flawed to run again.
But ministers dismissed the proportion as insubstantial and listed the flaws of default filtering as they rejected the idea outright.
The idea that pied - à - terre owners aren't contributing because they don't live in New York and pay taxes annually is flawed, said Hall Willkie, president of Brown Harris Stevens.
«I look at the two major party candidates and I see flawed individuals — flawed in terms of public character, flawed in terms of commitments to ideas and principles that will bring growth and pride to our great state....
Hawking immediately disliked the idea and was angry that his own work had been used in support of a concept so flawed.
In another new paper, Winn and Gongjie Li of Harvard University address another flaw in the traditional idea.
Of course, ideas about basic nutrition science vary widely — even among scientists — and there are still those who think the system is flawed or even harmful.
Books like this are part of a long tradition that winds back to sociobiology, pop ethology and eventually to Genesis — which still owns the copyright on the idea that humans are fundamentally flawed.
Last April, he and some colleagues laid out several broad ideas in «Rescuing U.S. biomedical research from its systemic flaws,» an avidly read article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
His understanding of evolutionary theory is flawed, his knowledge of the human fossil record is superficial, he ignores or defines away data which does not support his ideas, and even some of the evidence he cites in his support is so badly misrepresented that it contradicts his claims instead of supporting them.
For all its flaws and shortcomings — for all it can sometimes allow the absolute dregs of humanity to express themselves in grotesquely offensive fashion — social media is very good at bringing people together around one specific event or idea.
The idea of a Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) causing weather extremes, specifically cooling on parts of our planet today is deeply flawed (just wrong) and has no basis in reality.
The idea that increased TUT can play a vital role in prompting new growth has been influential in bodybuilding circles for decades, although it wasn't taken too seriously until the appearance of a study called «Muscle time under tension during resistance exercise stimulates differential muscle protein sub-fractional synthetic responses in men» was published in The Journal of Physiology in 2012, followed by a couple of other deeply flawed scientific reports.
The Taubesian idea of intentionally creating a glucose deficiency to force the body to breakdown triglycerides for glycerol is a clever but flawed strategy for weight loss.
The idea that small LDL particles are the only bad ones and large LDL is benign is just something made up by people selling low carb diets as a way to excuse one of the biggest flaws of the diet, which is that it raises your LDL cholesterol and consequently your risk of developing heart disease.
This is an exhausting conversation, because you are picking and choosing what fits your idea of health, which is flawed to begin with.
Just to put this to rest, the whole concept of «muscle confusion» — the idea that if you somehow confuse your muscles you'll stimulate better adaptations — is flawed logic.
The whole it takes 3500 calories to burn a pound of fat idea is flawed.
As The Huffington Post noted, «Getting kids used to the idea that these things are completely normal and not «flaws» to be ashamed of can only be a good thing.»
I got sum of the idea from a psychology student were his profile and message to me had an i'm flawed effect.
The film met with mixed critical results, and audiences largely stayed away, unused to the idea of their hero playing a markedly flawed and somewhat insane character.
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