Sentences with phrase «flawed in its logic as»

Triennial vaccination, although it delivers fewer vaccinations to your dog, is just as flawed in its logic as annual vaccination.

Not exact matches

In the still - growing storm of protest, accountants, economists, and certified financial planners across the land have decried the government's logic as being deeply flawed and have categorically refuted the underlying assumptions.
The likes of McCrory and Associate Professor Gavin Davis, another member of the AFL working group who shares the increasingly flawed logic inherent in the former's position are emerging as little more than water - muddying mouthpieces.
As a parent, I can't seem to find the flaws in this logic.
As for the metrics that you've described in measuring the «professional» standard, they are flawed in the following respects: Professional via publication — publishers are profit - driven, not a good indicator of excellence; Professional through number in print — numbers can be altered with marketing and time (by this logic, the Bible, Kuran, and the Communist Manifesto are perhaps the most professional work ever written); Money — there are plenty of professional idiots out there with more money than deserved; Peer review — depends on the peer.
As always, blanket statements like «don't travel in your early 20's» are typically clickbait and usually based in flawed logic.
If guilt by association were actually valid according to «the basic rules of logic and reasoning,» as strong a case (or stronger) could easily be made for you, Joanne Nova (via Shell and ExxonMobil), being called a terrorist as for James Hansen (via UK writer Keith Farnish) being called a terrorist; I knew no one would call me on any flaw in that reasoning, since that is precisely the reasoning being used to smear Hansen.
I regard it as a fundamental flaw in logic to infer high confidence in attribution since 1950, without understanding the warming in the early part of the 20th century and the mid century hiatus.
Read your measured but notable comment on the «RC» Existence of any dichotomy of Gavin's understanding is barred from his public pronouncements even more so by his recent carrier elevation; result is a number of obvious flaws in his logic, as distinct from his unquestionable intellectual ability (I am bound to say so, he got a degree from my old university, albeit one stage higher, but then standards deteriorated somewhat by time he joined).
Mr. Justice Macaulay rejected this defence and in doing so used the best language I have yet come across as an ICBC claims lawyer in explaining the flaw in the LVI Program's logic.
Jerry acts as George's Greek chorus and voice of truth, pointing out the flaws in George's logic and thinking.
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