Sentences with phrase «flawed studies»

It was initially based on flawed studies, but somehow became public policy (with disastrous consequences).
A few flawed studies over the past years made it appear that testosterone replacement therapy increases cardiovascular risk and incidence of heart attacks.
«It's ironic FDA would choose to ignore dozens of studies funded by [the National Institutes of Health]-- this country's best scientists — and instead rely on flawed studies from industry.»
Well, the diet that I recommend usually freaks people out initially, but it's rooted in sound science and facts, and not influenced by flawed studies funded by companies with ulterior motives.
           Now onto the claim that local government wages and salaries are the cause of this increase. The CFIB doesnâ $ ™ t provide any evidence on this beyond its own previous flawed studies (see CUPE's Battle of the Wages report for a critique of the CFIB Wage Watch report and a replication of their study with more credible results).
Is it alarming that the AAP uses flawed studies to strongly recommend against a natural human behavior?
The Department of Homeland Security used a scientifically flawed study to justify its selection of Manhattan, Kansas, as the site for the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, according to an as - yet - unpublished Government Accountability Office (GAO) report obtained by The Washington Post.
«In the past, a successful tactic by many financial interest groups, including the tobacco and fracking lobby, has been to attempt to discredit reputable, publicly funded research, and to fund their own flawed studies to create the impression that there is scientific debate,» Dr. Dixon said.
While most laypeople won't likely want to read the entire analysis and rebuttal of Wax's work, it is significant because these researchers pretty much refute all of Wax's work and show, step by step, how flawed the study was and how referencing this study as a basis for decision making is also flawed.
As a citizen of the United States and a taxpayer, and as a practicing biomedical applied statistician, I am especially concerned about the possibility that the funding garnered for such potentially flawed studies is detracting from other groups» ability to obtain funding to perform valid research in the valuable arena of personalized medicine.
The whole anti-fat movement started back in the late 1970s, and it was based on a series of totally flawed studies conducted by a man many consider a criminal who has probably been responsible for more deaths than Hitler himself.
Another issue with flawed studies is that many studies have lumped artificial trans fat intake together with saturated fat intake, and mistakenly laid the blame on saturated fat despite the overwhelming evidence that artificial trans fat is the REAL health risk.
I can also spot poor experimental and clinical trial design and methodologically flawed studies — and I know that the evidence for cause and effect in humans is incredibly tenuous at best.
Here's something you don't see every day - in fact I can't think of it happening ever before (though surely it must have): The ED of the Cowen Institute at Tulane, John Ayers, has resigned after a report came out and had to be withdrawn, according to Higher Education via Politico (Education Think Tank Head Quits After Flawed Study).
So are some leading education traditionalists: Parents Across America co-founder) Leonie Haimson's Class Size Matters picked up $ 25,000 from the union last fiscal year, while Western Michigan's Gary Miron (whose rather flawed study on KIPP's charter schools earlier this year was the subject of Dropout Nation «s analysis) picked up $ 5,000.
«Mid-and Late - Career Teachers Struggle With Paltry Incomes» is the latest flawed study to claim that American teachers are underpaid.
ISO - NE's concerns derive from an incomplete and flawed study about ISO - NE's long - term fuel security.
It is like the movie Groundhog Day, with the same flawed studies being refuted in the same ways.
NOAA, the world's leading source of climate data, not only produced a severely flawed study for political motives, it also mounted a cover - up when challenged over its data.
We're suspecting that Bayer submitted flawed studies to play down the risks of pesticide residues in treated plants.»
Thus a deeply flawed study was catapulted to national prominence.
This is not the first time that the Pacific Research Institute has used flawed studies to attack clean energy progress, as they continue to do with the heavily - touted, heavily - debunked «Spanish study.»
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security used a scientifically flawed study to justify its selection of Manhattan, Kansas, as the site for the proposed National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, according to a federal report obtained by The Washington Post.
Like climate change deniers, TNR advocates ignore the preponderance of scientific evidence, but love to cite a few flawed studies and anecdotes that they believe prove their point.
The green coffee bean manufacturer, Applied Food Sciences Inc., agreed to pay a $ 3.5 million settlement after the Federal Trade Commission charged the company with using the results of the flawed study to make baseless claims, the agency announced in September.
Sorry «duped» you are not only wrong but your flawed studies are proven wrong as well, Try God in prayer.
It contains an abundance of useful information, even though it is in many respects a flawed study.
Most people still cling to the old misguided «science» of saturated fats causing obesity and heat disease created by one flawed study and carried by the medical establishment and the media, enough to create a huge no or low fat industry that actually has contributed more to obesity and heart disease than any other dietary choice before.
But I'd hate to see the efforts of parent advocates be undermined by this (in my opinion) flawed study.
Flawed Study on Diapers Released in Britain.
The thing is, that argument was based on a flawed study funded by disposable diaper manufacturers.
Usually when there is a flawed study, quite a few qualified people speak out and point out exactly where and how the study is flawed.
Saini's book is full of examples right up to today of scientists who have started from this and other flawed premises, which have led to generations of flawed studies and results that reinforce stereotypes.
The publisher eventually admitted that the flawed study should not have been published.
Continue reading Instead of retracting a flawed study, a journal let authors re-do it.
While it was once thought that giving hormones like estrogen and progesterone to women could be dangerous (some flawed studies seemed to indicate that hormones...
It's virtually impossible to estimate how many people have been prematurely killed by the persistent promulgation of this myth, grown from a flawed study published over half a century ago, that has since been soundly debunked by many decades of research subsequently published.
Since the flawed study a few decades ago on the effects of cholesterol & fats on our hearts & arteries, Americans have been advised to cut dangerously back on both.
Another flawed study relied on birth certificate data to conclude that still births are 10 times more likely in home birth.
You can read the full details of these flawed studies here.
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