Sentences with phrase «flaws than benefits»

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Discretion is always the better part of valor in this situation and other than five minutes of cruel satisfaction you may get pointing out the flaws of your co-worker when you're walking out the door, there is no lasting benefit telling them off.
America's first brand was Ivory soap born in 1878 with a fortuitous product benefit ---- it floated, because it was lighter than water, the result of a flaw in the manufacturing process.
After a pair of graduate students pointed out flaws in the paper, the authors realized they'd made some significant errors, and oxytocin shows no more benefit than placebo.
Public gyms come with their unique set of benefits and flaws — they tend to be cheap overcrowded and offer just a bit more than the very basics, which can be a good thing if you're more on the traditional side.
In the first part of this article series, I talked about the flawed logic behind the purported benefits of «loosened muscles» and «deeper stretching,» while in the second article I discussed how spinal flexibility isn't necessarily a desired outcome and that the main premise behind hot yoga — that it burns more calories than exercise in a room of normal temperature — is completely false.
Performance will be more than adequate on all three, but each design will have inherent flaws and benefits.
Studios like these 2, not necessarily them, which had a solid if somewhat flawed first big showing, could maybe benefit well from a deal even more than say Scalebound, which definitely didn't pan out but was still a better known studio to begin with.
Nothing exposes our species» «future flaw» more than climate change — rarely, if ever, have the history books demonstrated a generation acting selflessly, or with sacrifice, for the sole benefit of generations to come.
And the perception by the public might be good as well, but the model itself is and has been proven to be flawed and its driven by someone seeking profit rather than someone seeking to benefit consumers.
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