Sentences with phrase «flecks of»

The version of this plaster in the Barbara Hepworth Museum is marked with small rust spots; these are most likely to be flecks of iron in the plaster oxidising in the sea air rather than evidence of an armature.
For the 2013 exhibition The Spirit of Utopia he staged a live stand - up comedy night open to the public, a fictitious exhibition archive and an event where «summer snow» emitted from large snow machines, temporarily showering visitors and passers - by with flecks of white foam in the height of summer.
These sculptures are scarily life - like, right down to the individual flecks of stubble and arm hairs.
Great swathes of emerald green sweep over the bird's eye maple veneer of the 19th Century pine frame, interrupted with the occasional flecks of neon pink and turquoise.
This is consistent with his darker and more muted canvases such as «05 - 2016»; flecks of white, red, yellow and purple are interspersed consciously and carefully throughout the largely deep brown, almost black canvas.
But prolonged looking brought the realization that these flecks of white served to assert the thingness of the canvas, their grainy blankness crackling against the dots and strokes of color, and reinforcing the tactility of the surface.
Within Collis practice, everyday objects and surfaces are presented splattered and stained with the marks of wear and tear, and the viewer might, upon further investigation, realise that the timeworn flecks of paint that cover an old broom, are in fact delicate and precisely inlaid pearls, jasper, turquoise, garnets and black diamonds.
The tiny red flecks of blood on his hand and pink sash are another hint as the mottled sash bisects his body.
In the most recent canvases shown, small flecks of bright colour invade the spaces of neutral ground.
One hint: there is often something hidden in the works collected here — for instance, Rowena Dring's clear, comic - like landscape «paintings» turn out to be sewn together out of small pieces of fabric, which, as soon as the viewer looks more closely, dissolve into countless flecks of color.
Up close, it becomes apparent that its grubby, grey matte appearance actually contains a multitude of coloured flecks of paper, many of them representing exhibition invites salvaged from Whiteread's studio bin.
Mark Innerst conjured tiny picnic parties with a few flecks of paint in the midst of the Great Lawn in Central Park in brilliant if small tableaux of anonymous urban life.
Through such an examination, this monumental picture absorbs the viewer with its sweeping arches of poured pigments as rich hues of regal reds and purples emerge throughout the body of Dalet Sin with lively flecks of beaming yellows peeking out at the edges.
The gem at Van Doren Waxter is Living Wall with Sign (1965), a lyrical burst of white writing within which a range of reds from crimson to scarlet to ruby emerge and sink, and flecks of purple and blue, dripped or flung, dot the surface.
It's both mark and volume, not to mention a real testament to Palermo's facility with surface; the work roughly layers deep brown and green strokes with delicate flecks of red.
The work has a darker, murkier palette of greens and grays and flecks of gold.
All show smudges, scuffs, spills, and splotches; blottings here and there, flecks of charcoal, swipes, and stains of jewellike color.
Two years later, he started work on his famous New Bride (1961 - 1963), an abstraction of thick white impasto, with flecks of pale color, painted on a nine - by - seventeen - foot canvas.
The beefy pink flesh of dangerous buffoons in white hoods, waving clubs and fat cigars as they cruise about in a pathetic black jalopy, is set against a sky of smoggy blue and rose leavened with the dark flecks of an earlier, painted - over composition — an imperfect foundation as flawed and dynamic as America itself.
Its flecks of white invade the figures and extend to the small painting's borders.
The deep electric - blue background of Composition, for example, is so thick it looks lacquered, yet the rainbow - colored mass in the foreground is so lightly painted you can see flecks of raw canvas, as though the figure were hollowed out of the ground rather than imposed on top of it.
In his work, the Pennsylvania painter analyzed the natural colors of flora he picked up on walks in the Wissahickon woods and fields in Lancaster county, as well as flecks of white bark, snow - covered branches, and spontaneous patterns in nature.
Instead of revising her initial marks in certain areas, Wylie has collaged pieces of canvas over the paint, introducing texture and small flecks of color that together lend the work an organic nature.
If you look closely at each of his artworks, you'll see that planets are made of opals and flecks of real gold, along with coloured glass specks to twist and turn as though they're something right out of the Milky Way.
I've been an advocate of «the finer details» for a few years now because I believe that even the tiniest flecks of detail can be incredibly powerful when combined as one big presentation package.
Amazing gameplay elements such as ragdoll physics and keyframe animation, enemy AI behaving unpredictably, glass cracking based on the size of the object that impacted it, and individual flecks of dust in a beam of sunlight are all possible with the PlayStation 3.
Small touches like flecks of glitter sparkling through your ink or the more fluid animations of the supporting cast of crustaceans pop and are pleasing to the eye, bringing the game world to life in ways previously unimaginable.
Looking into a someone's eyes revealed flecks of gold, brown or green in their iris.
That's because there are flecks of real strawberry mixed in with the strawberry - flavored icing, giving these a fresh from the vine taste.
You don't really notice it till you are close, but among the millions of white grains are flecks of red, giving the shore where the waves lap a soft pink hue.
The Condor Express swings toward the channel, where the sea is empty except for flecks of birds on the go and the distant lump of Santa Rosa Island, our destination.
Happily, many of Jacobsen's original designs, such as his iconic Swan and Egg chairs and the central spiral staircase, have been reconditioned and reinstated, with local design studio Space Copenhagen adding its own signature flavour like custom lighting and furnishings in an urban charcoal colour palette with flecks of brass.
Your apartment must have been like this: flecks of gold dust in the light of the window, a yellow cat, a piano and a great heavy chair passed down from your mother.
From the air, Phu Quoc registers as a bright - green paint drop, ringed by flecks of ivory, splashed on a turquoise canvas.
This means that dark brown microscopic flecks of pigment are free - floating, like dust in the air, inside the anterior chamber and end up sticking to surfaces inside the eye, especially the anterior lens capsule.
Their eyes will have flecks of gold, green and even red offset by the deep, dark luster of their pupils.
I used to take my pit bull, Brownie, with the velvety white tummy, and galactic brown eyes, dappled with flecks of gold, to the local nursing home, where he was greeted by a huge gushing of oohs and aahs and lots of cooing, where elderly hands patted his enormous head and rubbed his belly and treated him like a prince, so enthralled by his lofty status.
You'll notice fleas if you see tiny black flecks of «dirt» left behind in your cat's fur or on his bedding.
Flea dirt resembles black dirt or flecks of pepper, but it's actually a mixture of flea excrement and digested blood.
For example, tiny black flecks of flea dirt (excrement) will be left behind after a flea has fed on your cat.
Often times dogs that have had a bout of diarrhea will begin to have flecks of blood in the feces after several bowel movements.
Fast forward about three weeks after the tests, he's puked up bile with little flecks of blood in it twice, and now he has had diarrhea a couple times that has fresh blood in it.
This is when you need to be alert for coughing, fever, difficult breathing, loss of appetite, coughing up phlegm (possibly with flecks of blood), or just generally feeling bad.
They say the flecks of gray in my rich brown coat just make me look more distinguished.
Piebald dachshunds may also appear to sport flecks of color, called ticking, on the white areas of the coat.
Look for a Pointer or German Shorthaired Pointer near the front of the line; the German version is the one with little flecks of brown.
- On dogs with colour plus white, the white may either stay pure white or may sometimes develop flecks of colour throughout.
Phosphorus may be indicated if there are small flecks of blood or blood - tinged mucous.
So whether you have flecks of gray or an entire sliver mop top, now is the time to start thinking about tomorrow.
The latter becomes even more detailed, sharp, and there are no flecks of reflection if you prefer reading outside in the bright sunshine.
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