Sentences with phrase «flesh wound»

Happy couples healed twice as fast from flesh wounds than those who demonstrated hostility toward each other.
Put a gun in their hands, and everyone around them is sure to quickly sustain several flesh wounds, if not worse.
Open flesh wounds as well as incisions will benefit greatly from the 5 - phase, high frequency (up to 25,000 Hz) protocols specific to area size or incision length.
After being left for dead, but apparently suffering from an insignificant flesh wound of some sort, Ben tracks down the villains, making precarious amends with Jess, who quarrels with Frank and is likewise abandoned in near - fatal fashion.
Though the teaser is short on details, Drake's looking a little sadder and stubblier then when we saw him last, but that might have something to do with being stranded in a blizzard with only an ancient ritualistic dagger and a gaping flesh wound for company.
Nonmedical photography is prohibited in that locale, but the colonists begged a doctor to let them borrow his camera, otherwise used to document flesh wounds, in order to snap pictures with the former 76ers, Nets and Mavericks center.
The perp stabs him anyways (don't worry just a small flesh wound) and runs off.
That's because those mere flesh wounds were nothing when compared to the great tragedy of our time: working with a certain platform holder to release your independent studio's game on Xbox Live Arcade.
Toss a victory wreath on the M56's hood, but it was a hard - fought battle and the M56 is not without a few flesh wounds.
Hydrogen peroxide can be used topically to clean out a superficial flesh wound and can also be given orally to induce vomiting if your dog ingests something he shouldn't (i.e., your medications, rodenticides, toxic plants).
Resembling candied flesh wounds, these pictures are layered, puckered and feature thick daubs of paint, with many of these blobs streaked with multiple colours as if bearing their own necessarily random patterning.
He will tell you when to treat in - contact vs. non-contact based on whether you are treating a deep - seated injury or an open flesh wound.
It was only a flesh wound, and if the little b @ $ tar.d ever gets back here I'll bite his ankles off.
And after ten minutes of failed net - repair attempts, you really wanted him to fall off that ladder, and you were OL with a flesh wound or, like, an index finger break.
He reminded me of John Cleese playing a knight in The Holy Grail and getting his arm chopped off: «Just a flesh wound
The PM's triage assessment of the casualty is that it is nothing more than a flesh wound to the head which spilled large amounts of blood.
Were he to appear in a Fox News studio today, the bullet he took to the chest in 1912 would seem no worse than a flesh wound compared with fusillade of invective he would absorb.
When the body heals a flesh wound, it often leaves scar tissue behind.
Mesquite gum, extracted directly from the bark, was once used for a number of medicinal purposes, including treating eyes infection and irritation, headaches, and flesh wounds.
Turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine as a treatment for indigestion, liver problems and for skin and flesh wounds.
You see, a breakup is an emotional wound, and — like a flesh wound — it needs both time and care to heal.
About all that isn't pilfered from Gunga Din is the death of the noble bugler; Davis survives being shot up by the Indians with little more than a flesh wound!
Tell them it was just a flesh wound through in - battle chat.
To think that the financial backers of the film originally demanded that the Black Knight scene — in which he loses his limbs in a duel («it's only a flesh wound!»)
Yet, DiCaprio is such an emotive, vulnerable performer that he never loses sight of the human beneath the flesh wounds.
VW suffered more than a flesh wound in the wake of its infamous Dieselgate scandal, but the prescription going forward is to introduce lots of new metal to win back customers.
It's a flesh wound, one already infected with a bit of rust thanks to the dreary, wet weather in this frozen hellhole.
Which makes the numberplate plinth stand out like a flesh wound.
She suffered a flesh wound.
Some of these include: eye problems, musculoskeletal disorders (luxating patella, hip displaysia), respiratory issues, fractures, flesh wounds — not to mention things like fleas, ticks, mange, heartworm, parvovirus, kennel cough — the list goes on.
As one of the most versatile modalities in the industry, laser therapy can treat burns, road rash, ear infections, lick granulomas, and a long list of other deep - seated and open flesh wounds.
Neglect to care for even the most minimal of flesh wounds could lead to serious discomfort and health issues.
«It's only a flesh wound
He's come a long way from «It's just a flesh wound ``, but the John Cleese we all know and love is back again — among a lot of stars, in fact — in Planet 51.
[xi] Though King Arthur hacks off several of his limbs the Black Knight remains optimistic of his chances on the field: «It's merely a flesh wound,» says he; all that cold and snow three years in a row, no warming for 15 years — pshaw.
At the moment we seem to be planning to say ««Tis only a flesh wound» and carry on as before.
Reminds me of the Black Knight in Monty Python And The Holy Grail, as his arm is hacked off: «It's only a flesh wound
The Court of Justice for the European Union fired a significant shot at investor - state dispute settlement (ISDS) this week, and the result is likely to be much more than just a flesh wound.
Nonetheless I was grateful today when, having not yet written my Monday post for Slaw, I saw this cartoon from the July 7, 2014 edition of the Globe and Mail — a twist on that famous «It's just a flesh wound
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