Sentences with phrase «flexibility of the spine»

It is good for flexibility of the spine and joints making the body feel younger.
It increases flexibility of the spine while opening the upper shoulders and chest.
Marjariasana or the Cat Pose in Yoga is excellent for improving flexibility of the spine.
The benefits of toning your abs results in stronger back muscles, increased flexibility of the spine and better support for the body.
Twisting poses help stretch and release the back and shoulder muscles, creating flexibility of the spine.
In dancers, it is particularly pertinent that they maintain good thoracic spine mobility due to the degree of flexibility of the spine that is required.
Trikonasana or the «triangle pose» helps improve flexibility of the spine, also relieves backache and indigestion.
For those who are serious runners, however, working with the flexibility of your spine, pelvis, and hips may be helpful.
You can add as many props as you need depending on the flexibility of the spine.
This exercise is excellent for maintaining the flexibility of the spine while building more strength in your legs and shoulders at the same time.
Data has emerged in the last few years suggesting that the flexibility of our spine predicts the flexibility of our arteries, and a yoga practice centered on spine flexibility, like the Tibetans, may help maintain our arteries in a youthful state.
Tiryaka Bhujangasana is good for the flexibility of the spine and strengthens the arms and shoulders.
Back Care, for those with back injuries or conditions, emphasizes poses that improve stability and flexibility of the spine and hips by lengthening and strengthening supporting muscles groups.
It also strengthens the back and shoulders • Relieves the body of lower back ache • Improves flexibility of the spine and also improves posture • Helps overcome menstrual discomfort
Increases Strength and Flexibility: The Sarvangasana increases the flexibility of the spine and opens the chest.
Strengths the Vertebrae: A wheel posture powerfully strengthens and lengthens the vertebrae that enhance the elasticity and flexibility of the spine.
The flexibility of the spine and back muscles are maintained with the help of this asana.
Marjariasana or the Cat Stretch Pose is excellent in improving the flexibility of your spine.
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