Sentences with phrase «flexible behaviors»

The lab also asks how a fixed nervous system generates flexible behaviors.
In a second family of experiments, we will ask how the information in these representations is used to support flexible behavior.
«We believe that a better understanding of the neural systems mediating this critical ability will help clinicians design more effect treatments to help individuals who have difficulty with flexible behaviors in daily life, particularly those with autism.»
«We wanted to test the idea that a flexible brain is necessary for flexible behaviors,» said Lucina Uddin, PhD, a lead author of the study.
«I was able to gain a much deeper understanding of the relationships between human flexible behavior and the underlying involvement of human neurological processes,» says Dutra, who earned a fellowship from the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates to be involved in the study.
For instance, as a starting point for impacting game development, researchers could create testing tools that enable game developers to create tests that assert flexible behavior with little up - front investment.
Using C. elegans as a model, Bargmann's laboratory characterizes genes and neural pathways that allow the nervous system to generate flexible behaviors.
Working memory, the ability to temporarily hold and manipulate pieces of information in our minds, is crucial for thinking and flexible behavior.
Cori Bargmann is a neuroscientist at The Rockefeller University in New York who studies the biology of the brain, asking how genes, the environment, and experience interact to give rise to flexible behaviors.
Construct 2 game making software is quick and easy to use, and includes a powerful event system, flexible behaviors, instant preview, stunning visual effects, multiplatform export, and easy extensibility.
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