Sentences with phrase «flexible in»

«They became a lot more flexible in how they approach work agreements because they realized they had a duty in changing economic times.
Essential questions can help us personalize professional learning, but only if we are willing to be flexible in their implementation.
But for this effort to pay off, political leaders must be both strong and flexible in support of the nation's educators.
To counter this issue, preservice English teachers must learn how to remain flexible in their instruction while developing their understanding and use of available technology — from those provided by the school to those freely available through the Internet.
Recognizing this point, the State's charter renewal process has been flexible in its approach towards renewal and remediation of charter schools, instead of responding with rigid «accountability.»
The curriculum is intentionally designed to be flexible in meeting the needs of all learners including struggling students, students in special education, English Language Learners, and students needing remediation or enrichment.
A practice is a general category of strategies or procedures that can be used in a variety of contexts (home, classroom, out of school) guided by specific principles but often flexible in how it is carried out.
So the assignments were flexible in that teachers were able, had some choice in being able to create something that was useful for them that was going to increase student achievement in their classroom.
Remaining dynamic and flexible in day - to - day interactions, including executing lesson plans left by the absent teachers, or creating your own lessons based on your unique skills and experience
Technology allows us to be increasingly flexible in how we execute this mission, adapting learning processes and the evidence of learning that students produce, to ensure that we stay true to our guiding principles.
As a result of her new insights and skills, she became more attuned to her students as individuals (and skilled in using multiple approaches to help them achieve important goals), more flexible in classroom routines, and more comfortable with students as engineers of their own learning.
Other areas, that were formally restricted in what and how they could fund specific aspects of education, are increasingly becoming more flexible in their application, leaving the decisions at the state, district or school level.
Revision Pong Those that are regular party goers have probably played this game in a social yet competitive environment and adapting it for the classroom is quite easy and flexible in the way it's played.
This is not because performance assessments are «more rigorous» or «harder,» but because they are more authentic to the students» passions, and more flexible in allowing the student to choose their method of demonstrating standards.
And, since you're saving money, you may be more flexible in creating a larger - scale project overall.
«That letter of intent doesn't obligate us to anything, but it allows us to be flexible in an inflexible environment.»
Our view was that we had to be flexible in approaching superintendents with the four or five buildings we wished to survey, and of those the two we wished to visit.
Many state and school district guidelines have become more flexible in the identification process and are now using teacher ratings, examples of actual performance, and the ways in which students respond to challenging learning experiences.
An adult learner may already be used to the concept of slide shows or presentations, so this type of library is flexible in its design to accommodate all learning styles.
LMSs, however, need to be mobile and flexible in order to be compatible with JIT learning.
«They understand the need to be flexible in what they teach and in combining grades, when necessary; moving to smaller or larger classrooms when the student numbers vary from year to year, and in adjusting for natural disasters.»
This linear predictor is flexible in that we can choose a variety of functions in defining the factors.
What it takes to implement integrated units of teaching - allocated teacher preparation time; an all in approach and culture, where schools are prepared to invest in a system of integrated courses across a whole stage or school; a readiness to engage in community and business partnerships; a willingness to be adaptable and flexible in terms of teaching time and staffing issues.
A fully customizable system providing all you need for eLearning, EDUonGO is quick in setting up and flexible in managing.
Also, be flexible in terms of the mode in which you want to gain a skillset.
We also seek to respond to a variety of user requests, and to also make our online delivery system, the Teacher Knowledge Assessment System (TKAS), more flexible in both the item formats it can accommodate and in responding to additional form updates.
The differentiated instruction model requires teachers to be flexible in their approach to teaching and adjust the curriculum and presentation of information to learners rather than expecting students to modify themselves for the curriculum.
Previously unregulated and flexible in their approach, out of school hours care programs have come a long way in the past 30 years.
They are flexible in terms of platform and schedule.
Hiring a professional can be a relatively cheap way to make sure your content is both accessible and flexible in allowing your business to be found and explored easily.
Remote workers tend to be very good at being flexible in terms of the types of work they do.
Be flexible in your teaching and give the child alternatives in order to prevent or overcome sensory issues.
They have an ability to balance these into developing a curriculum that is able to meet the needs of their learners, and are flexible in staffing, resourcing and management so they re-evaluate their needs regularly and adapt effectively to changing circumstance.
«A skillful instructional leader identifies the learning styles of the group but is flexible in adapting to individual needs through customized content.
An ideal evidence - based salary schedule would be flexible in light of new evidence.
Designed to be adaptable and flexible in length to suit your needs, this challenging yet engaging mini-project contains 12 separate and complete activities for your class to undertake that result in them creating a new charity.
These truly engaging lessons are designed to be flexible in length to easily slot into your planning.
It is flexible in length and could be completed as quickly as 1...
You have to be flexible in your leadership style and learn who thrives with what kind of feedback, with what kind of support.
In heterogeneous groups, these students often allowed the more dominating, successful students to take over, but combined with less assertive students, they were able to take risks, be flexible in their learning, and express themselves effectively.
Thus, it must be adaptable and flexible in order to keep up with the ever - changing needs of modern learners.
Instead, teach students to be flexible in their skills (know when not to pay attention), introduce and identify the key skills of 21st century life, and reinforce this skill - building throughout the year.
But we're flexible in education.
This means it is much more flexible in the classroom as you can set a question, then review the question as a class or you can work your way through a whole test paper at once!
With budgets tight and competition for teaching talent intense, schools are becoming more flexible in order to fill roles:
Others schools are being flexible in order to get the most out of part - time teachers.
The survey found schools were willing to be flexible in order to recruit the right staff: 82 per cent of respondents said they had restructured roles in order to make sure they filled a post.
Benefits for teachers Residentials also have a number of positive benefits for teachers, who develop better relationships with their students, see them in a completely different light and gain a better understanding of their students» strengths and limitations Teachers involved in Learning Away also believe that, as a result of their residential experiences, they have become more experimental and flexible in their teaching and have more confidence to try different types of teaching.
This doesn't mean that we can't be flexible in how we help students reach these learning objectives.
Employees need to be adaptable and flexible in today's tech - centered world.
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