Sentences with phrase «flexible joints»

These are very energetic, very athletic dogs that require strong and powerful muscles as well as very flexible joints so they can move at ease.
They develop loose overly flexible joints, which are a starting point for arthritis.
As the most flexible joint in your body, your shoulders rely on the serratus anterior for upward rotation of the arms and protracting the scapula.
As the most flexible joint in your body, your shoulders rely on the serratus anterior for upward rotation.
If you want to form very flexible chains of nanoparticles in liquid in order to build tiny robots with flexible joints or make magnetically self - healing gels, you need to revert to childhood and think about sandcastles.
This makes the tendon run more parallel to other joints that cross the midfoot, and allows apes to grasp with great power without stiffening these other flexible joints.
In a hypothetical solid T. rex skull (top), tension accumulates beneath the eye socket when the animal takes a bite, but the tension dissipates when flexible joints are incorporated into the model (bottom).
Also called bottlebrush, mare's tail, scouring rush, and shave grass, horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a perennial herb that contains bioavailable «silicon,» a trace mineral required by the body for flexible joints, glowing skin and stronger bones.
(In Rowling's world, magic has nothing to do with Satanism or evil; it's a hereditary gift, like flexible joints or perfect pitch.)
It also contains just the right amounts of calcium for more optimum bone growth and development while the addition of chondroitin and glucosamine can help ensure stronger muscles and more flexible joints.
A way of trotting with exaggeratedly high knee and hock action due to abnormally flexible joints.
Cartilage, joint fluid, and underlying bone work together like a shock absorber allowing flexible joint function.
It has distinct segmented plates with somewhat flexible joints that may be dusted with sediment.
To achieve smooth finish, MoKo relies on its superior craftsmanship that creates flexible joints without any jam.
A nourishing and strengthening ointment with analgesic qualities, it is used to soothe sore muscles and tendons, flexible joints as well as support an active lifestyle.
«For one of the patients, a young male with intellectual disability, developmental delay, macrocephaly (enlarged head) and very flexible joints, our genetics lab indicated that the patient did not seem to have any known genetic changes that could explain his condition,» said Scott.
Maintaining flexible joints will help any lifter improve his or her health and fitness.
Northern true seals have flexible joints that allow the animals to curl their claws to grasp prey.
These flexible joints are also seen on early pinnipeds such as Enaliarctos mealsi, a seal that lived 23 million years ago, Hocking and his colleagues found.
Ugalde has found that the polynomial or fractional order reconstructions may be of interest in flexible joints, as in the case of robot elbows and wrists.
For the time being, I hope that you will find some value in knowing that these health promoting nutrients are offered to us in the same balance that is found in nature... the same balance that our early ancestors would have consumed... the same balance that gave traditional people strong, flexible joints and bones, (including teeth) throughout long and productive lives.
They appear to be very high tech with seamless finishing, flexible joints and even some decorative lights.
It cushions the surfaces where two or more bones meet to form a flexible joint.
Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate are naturally occurring components that act as building blocks for the functioning of healthy cartilage and flexible joints.
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