Sentences with phrase «flexible plan»

They've started offering more flexible plans for customers who buy their handsets outright.
They help keep costs down by offering flexible plans with varying deductibles that you can choose to keep your costs down.
Term insurance offers flexible plan options to suit the need of every individual.
Having flexible plan options can give mobile teachers, especially in urban and rural public schools where turnover is high, more secure retirement benefits.
Most companies provide flexible plans for shorter - term journeys and vacations that cover trip cancellation and medical expenses.
Anyone who's interested can investigate flexible plans for free.
It's a serious, but seriously flexible plan that leaves plenty of room for fun.
Depending on where you are going and how flexible your plans are, you may be surprised how easily it is to express your breast milk.
A perfect casual date involves flexible plans and a go - with - the - flow attitude.
Flexible plan options are available with a maximum of 30 days and 60 days coverage.
The company offers flexible plans and a number of extra features, not to mention their thirty - day free trial.
This Disability product is priced with Attained Age rated benefits and provides flexible plan design options for income protection that will help employees cover expenses while they are disabled.
Previously, David was the Vice President of Economic Research and Strategic Development for Flexible Plan Investments overseeing quantitative strategy development.
When it comes to price and value, very few companies can compete with GEICO, which gets excellent marks for their low rates and wide range of flexible plans.
Flexible plans which let you choose your preferred bonuses, the funds you wish to invest in, premium payment terms, and much more
Travelers who are concerned about what travel insurance covers should carefully consider purchasing their travel insurance plan at the onset of their planning phase, in order to benefit from flexible plan benefits like Cancel for Any Reason.
Companies in transition or undergoing a turnaround typically experience a higher CoS ratio; they may be best served by flexible plans incorporating morale - and team - building components.
«We are expecting changes when we get to Ceres and, fortunately, we built a very capable spacecraft and developed flexible plans to accommodate the unknowns,» said Rayman.
Joe created an easy flexible plan with the foods I loved!
Before joining Flexible Plan Investments, David was the Quantitative Director for Butler, Philbrick and Gordillo in Toronto, Canada.
Besides lobbying for financial incentives and more flexible planning, the AWEA is hoping to encourage small wind use through a certification system ensuring turbine performance, reliability and safety.
The Bottom Line: This is a highly flexible plan — letting you choose the medical limit, the deductible amount, and a number of optional riders to customize the plan to fit your needs.
Government agencies» responses are clearly not the most flexible plans after widespread distress, though, helping only large communities or big groups of people.
This Voluntary Disability product is priced with Issue Age rated benefits and provides flexible plan design options for income protection that will help employees cover expenses while they are disabled.
The new Weight Watchers plan is the most flexible plan to date.
This Voluntary Disability product is priced with Attained Age rated benefits and provides flexible plan design options for income protection that will help employees cover expenses while they are disabled.
8) When coverage needs change over time, does the insurer offer flexible plan options?
HTH offers flexible plan designs so that individuals and families get the coverage they need with the freedom to choose qualified doctors, hospitals and health services anywhere in the world.
To create a balance in your business between strategic goals, internal pressure and external risk, maintain a flexible plan.
I have found over and over that having a basic, flexible plan for the day always just gets me to the next «thing to do» and makes the day drag less for us all.
Make every effort to keep track of the clock as well as your child's sleep cues so that you can maintain your flexible plan for your child's sleep as much as possible.
Take the time to design a good, flexible plan.
Also, our flexible plans will let you rent anything on the daily or weekly basis.
«We need to work with both sides — work with the industry, patient advocates and hospitals — to design a flexible a plan that suits the needs of a vast majority of our people,» Faso said.
With flexible planning, NASA can forge a path to wander among the wandering stars.
For example, a vegan diet isn't a structured, but a flexible plan and a person has the liberty to adjust their diet by implementing fruits and vegetables of their choice.
The Primal Blueprint is a simple, flexible plan to help you look and feel your best without struggling or suffering, by adapting the simple lifestyle practices of our hunter - gatherer ancestors into modern life.
It's a flexible plan that'll help you cut sugar, improve gut health and weight management, stabilize mood and energy levels, and set you up with the tools you need to maintain the results long term.
The key word is «continually in flux,» indicating a flexible plan by the Marvel Studios executives.
Docebo offers 3 flexible plans for your unique needs.
Choose one of 3 flexible plans or request a custom plan for your unique requirements.
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