Sentences with phrase «flexible spine»

They also open the chest and lungs allowing for easier breathing, and may also improve posture and promote a healthy flexible spine.
Create a stronger, more flexible spine and core along with efficient movement patterns that help lessen chance of injury.
The cat family has one of the most flexible spines in the animal kingdom.
The cat family is considered as one of the most flexible spines in the animal kingdom.
Now you know how flexible its spine is, so it's not surprising that some yoga poses, or asanas are named after...
The influence of technological development in the history of the artistic evolution of the comic book in the late 1930s and the early 1940s is no different, but the differences between comic strips published in daily or weekly newspapers and the production of longer narratives in monthly or bi-weekly stand - alone flexible spine publications imposed a different set of possibilities and constraints.
It is brown - black in colour and has a row of flexible spines down its back and tail.
The flexible spine makes it easy to place the hanging object exactly where you want it and viola, baby is distracted.
Paws strike one at a time, and a flexible spine extends reach.
Inspired by the snake's streamlined body and flexible spine, engineers are building robots that can slither into places too tight or dangerous for people to enter.
These flexible spines may cause potential predators to mistake the 1.4 - centimeter animal for a jellyfish, or may simply make it look too big to eat.
Golfers and other athletes especially benefit from having a flexible spine that rotates with ease.
The point is to see what Gary shows on the right: With a flexible spine and stability from the pelvis, the effort of a twist can be safely distributed along the spine.
And a flexible spine might take some pressure off your lower back during ab exercises like leg raises.
Maintaining a feeling of youth, even as you age, requires a flexible spine.
The Pilates roll up requires a lot of core strength as well as a flexible spine.
It's the combination of those powerful muscles, its flexible spine and long legs, its light bones and huge heart in proportion to the rest of its body that make it a lean racing machine.
Fact: Cats do have a «superior righting reflex» and a flexible spine.
The combination of long, powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and slim build allows them to reach average race speeds in excess of 64 kilometres per hour (40 mph).
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