Sentences with phrase «flight mechanisms of»

«Our work introduces a design scheme to mimic the key flight mechanisms of biological bats,» said Chung, who is also a research scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which Caltech manages for NASA.
«In our work, we uncover the flight mechanism of a parachuting dandelion fruit, and reveal a new type of vortex, responsible for its flight capacity,» Cummins said.
A silver orb is one of the power sources for the flight mechanism of Zenithia castle.

Not exact matches

The fight - or - flight mechanism sidesteps rational thinking in favor of a faster response.
Adrenaline is the source of the «fight - or - flight» response, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight or run for the hills when faced with a threat.
The fight - or - flight mechanism sidesteps rational thinking in favor of a faster response to ensure survival.
Once you reach this point, you've essentially overcome your fear of change, which shows up to cloak our «fight or flight» mechanism.
Their fight or flight mechanisms, and one might add their «fright» reactions, which we now know are built into their very DNA, do indeed seem to imply that a certain degree and type of suffering seems also to be built in.
One of the signal results of toxic - stress exposure is a hyperactive fight - or - flight mechanism, which can be a valuable asset in a violent home or neighborhood but is much less helpful during a seventh - grade history lesson.
Tory MPs were so appalled that Mr Howard had the power to expel one of their colleagues without any appeal that they sought a new mechanism to prevent a repeat of the Flight case.
Arguably, bats have the most sophisticated powered flight mechanism among animals, as evidenced by the shape - changing capability of their wings.
Their flight mechanism involves more than 40 types of joints that interlock the bones and muscles to one another creating a musculoskeletal system that can change shape and is capable of movement in multiple independent directions.
Once Dragon was in place, Flight Engineer Rick Mastracchio monitored the Common Berthing Mechanism operations for first and second stage capture of the cargo ship, assuring that the vehicle was securely attached to the station with a hard mate.
«We need to appreciate that pterosaurs had their own unique mechanisms of achieving flight,» he says.
Debates about the mechanisms driving the shocks will take time to settle, says Chandra project scientist Martin Weisskopf of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
«These post-flight changes were somewhat less than expected based on short - duration flights and early reports of long - duration missions and suggest that the current countermeasures on the ISS, which include exercise training, are keeping cardiovascular control mechanisms well prepared for return to Earth,» the authors say.
Studies in my lab combine behavior, neurophysiology and acoustics to investigate the mechanisms of auditory, visual and somatosensory information processing, natural scene perception, spatial memory and navigation, acoustic communication, sensorimotor integration and flight control.
While previous studies have suggested that the sympathetic nervous system - the «fight or flight» response - of veterans is overactive, this study was the first to measure this increased activity directly and provide a potential mechanism behind this response.
Hyper extension in the thoracic spine exerts pressure on posterior mediastinum - a part of the thorax which when pressured creates an increase in the sympathetic tone of the autonomic nervous system (responsible for the fight or flight mechanism)- this is not a good thing.
Stress — Prolonged stress or prolonged periods of stress trigger the «fight or flight mechanism which causes a series of changes in hormone levels and can fluctuate blood sugar levels,
This combination of reactions to stress is also known as the «fight - or - flight» response because it evolved as a survival mechanism, enabling people and other mammals to react quickly to life - threatening situations.
however, I think drinking excessive amounts of caffeine triggers the release of adrenaline, and adrenaline is the source of the fight - or - flight response...... the fight - or - flight mechanism sidesteps rational thinking in favor of a faster response to ensure survival.....
The flight mechanism is bound to increase * the burning up of the body calories which greatly minimize the presence of excess calories thus checking the deposition of fats.
As a result, many of us often exist in a constant state of stress, or our «fight or flight» mode, which is our body's survival mechanism to cope with oncoming dangers (except nowadays, our form of danger is a scathing email from a boss or a client!)
Caffeine (in all forms) adds to cortisol hormone that I mentioned earlier — the «fight or flight» response, which is released in reaction to fear or stress by the adrenal glands as part of the fight - or - flight mechanism.
In other words, it's more of a «rest and digest» kind of guy rather than a mechanism of «fight or flight
As part of human's evolutionary survival mechanisms, the body's fight - or - flight response is automatically triggered when the brain perceives a threat.
The first is the discomfort arising from Julie and Paula being stuck in the same hotel overnight due to grounded flights, the second is a possible explanation of the antagonism between the pair that culminates in a disturbingly open - ended finale, and the final is the idea that in Stettner's interpersonal corporate nightmare, fear is the mechanism that catalyzes the characters towards generosity, friendship, and cruelty.
Cats and dogs may view the bird as prey, in which case you'll want your bird to use its natural defense mechanism of flight to escape harm.
Just for fun and since my defense mechanism is to mock myself before someone else can, here are some other flights we could have gotten with those 65,000 AA miles, keeping in mind that there are two of us.
A commonly cited example of an exaptive trait is a feather, thought to have functioned as a mechanism to dissipate heat in certain dinosaurs prior to developing into a crucial mechanism of flight.
Clear air turbulence is calculated to cost airlines # 100 million ($ 150 million) a year in delays and damage, and although air crew and passengers have been facing such discomforts almost since the invention of flight 110 years ago, the mechanisms of turbulence are still, in that famously enigmatic scientific phrase, «not fully understood.»
To the Earth's orbit: The mechanism can be detected by looking at the true trajectory of the Earth's flight path: What escaped the present attention is that this path is not a straight elliptical line around the Sun, but the real trajectory is a WINDING SPIRAL, winding around the mean progressive path.
With the introduction of computers in the flight reservations mechanism, things have become easier.
Designed and supported onsite installation of gun bay modifications that reduced heat soak into primary structure and in - flight opening door mechanism.
If an individual experiences great anxiety because of constant thought about a stressor, their fight or flight mechanism could be in perpetual heightened response.
A growing body of research shows our that neural mechanisms for such pleasures, including compassion, gratitude, nurturing, and community building evolved as powerfully and as long ago as the instinct to freeze, fight or flight.
It operates on our stress levels as a kind of stress reducer, as part of our «fight or flight» mechanism.
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