Sentences with word «flightlessness»

When Archaeopteryx was first discovered, it was the earliest known feathered dinosaur, and the argument that it was evolving towards flightlessness might have been considered madness.
Big ground birds like emus and moas may look alike, but they are only distantly related, and flightlessness evolved six times within 10 million years
According to the researchers, their findings indicate giant sizes appeared early in penguins» evolution, «soon after flightlessness released penguins from aerodynamic constraints.»
Energy profiles of diving seabirds reveal they sacrifice flying efficiency to swim better, edging towards flightlessness
For ancestral penguins, on the other hand, flightlessness was apparently a better deal, enabling them to grow larger, helping them dive deeper, swim faster, and stay underwater longer, Ricklefs says.
In some cases, changes that lead to flightlessness may help birds survive because they enhance their ability to do something else, like swimming — so - called positive selection.
As with many animals evolving in isolation from significant predators, the dodo was entirely fearless of people, and this, in combination with its flightlessness, made it easy prey.
Their presence, their cuteness, even their flightlessness are exploited for a dreadful Jim Carrey film called «Mr Popper's Penguins.»
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