Sentences with phrase «flinched into»

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And sometimes that means combing through our shared history and flinching a little at how quickly those dusty pages can transform into mirrors.
What marks the more recent literature as distinctive is not its concern with corporeal thinness and good health per se but the apparent willingness of authors to accept, ardently and without flinching, the somatic standards of the wider culture and convert them into divine decree.
I began to flinch whenever a response popped into my inbox, getting more and more discouraged with our dwindling options of churches.
Your cancer walks into the room before you do and people who know better still flinch — as they did before lepers, who were made to live outside the community, who had to beg for survival.
He had been whispering into my soul, like a parent whispers too closely in a child's ear when chastising at a dinner table (that kind of whisper that makes kids flinch from the tickle).
Perhaps she also flinched when the bodies collided, shocked at the force with which Jack and the others crashed into one another, protected — if that's not too generous a word — by meek shoulder pads, thinly - padded canvas pants and leather helmets (well before the face mask).
There were days, now and then, that he passed huddled in his bathrobe in front of the television, flinching from the pain, curling up in sorrow and wondering how in God's name he would summon the strength again to make the quip that would put everyone around him at ease, to tell the world in that hoarse, hyped voice, You got ta get it into the middle, it's the only way to heat a trap defense!
Alcindor occasionally responded by backing strongly into Unseld and jostling him slightly, which is equivalent to making the Sphinx flinch, but after the opening game Unseld was able to hold Alcindor six points under his league - leading regular season average of 31.7.
It's a little gross watching Ted's bum explode into a stream of poop, but it's also a little endearing, as dad doesn't even flinch, he knows it's all part of being a dad.
We are thankful for our families who don't flinch when we say that we need to go into the lab at midnight, even though the gist of this sentiment is that we're choosing bacterial cultures over them.
They don't flinch at the idea that we will not shower for weeks or that we are 20 people crammed into three vehicles for days until we reach the Gobi Desert.
When Robert Hermes, the third member of the team, slides his gloved arm into Puntung's rectum she barely flinches.
Bleed for This flinches from plunging into the madness, the place where a truly interesting movie resides.
As he did in his first two sturdy efforts behind the camera, the Boston - set crime dramas Gone Baby Gone and The Town, Affleck exhibits admirable restraint in creating the moral landscape of this film, and he aids himself by working with actors who are adept with the subtleties of sighs and flinches, who can stumble into patches of either light or darkness with equal ease.
It's that rare show that strides into difficult and even morose subject matter without flinching or dressing it up.
Without getting into spoilers, it's worth noting that the harsh turns that friendships and relationships took during the course of Season 3 aren't easily forgiven, speaking to the way in which «BoJack» has never flinched from bleak emotional honesty in contrast to its more fantastical elements.
Having had a few too many fat men holler randomly into space, they now prefer the quiet suffering of Texas tough guys who perform self - surgeries without flinching.
Twist the key, smile as the starter makes its distinctive helium chuckle, then flinch as ten cylinders pound into life, a wall of noise thundering through a free - breathing exhaust system.
Truck wheels loomed big in the windows and I flinched, sending Barry's backside into the temporary steel guardrail to the left.
I can't honestly imagine many people taking their CLSs to the track where this stuff would come into play, but if you have the money for this, the extra $ 10,000 for the package isn't going to even make you flinch.
And I got it into my head that the best narrator for this story would be a mortician because she could look death in the eye without flinching.
As the needle goes into Hogan's vein, he does not even flinch.
veterans of the franchise are probably flinching: we've been trained to know that water means instant death, but now in Revolution there's two kinds of liquidy substance — the normal, deadly water that inhabits the zone outside of every level, ready to inflict insta - death on any worm unfortunate enough to be punted, shot or fireballed into it, and then there's the strangely jelly - like «water» that can be found in little pockets or in H20 bottles in levels.
Well, put it this way... he was permanently sealed into his suit of battle armour and didn't even flinch.
It's a well - balanced blend of feeling immensely powerful — a feeling only emphasised by how your enemies grow more and more terrified as their comrades disappear, flinching at the merest sound and firing madly into the darkness — while at the same time remaining vulnerable to gunfire so as to make sure you never get too cocky.
In a big boss battle, I fired many clips of ammo into them without so much as a flinch to know my shots has connected.
I found that sometimes you can unload an entire clip into a Licker's face and it won't flinch, while other times a couple of bullets will do the trick.
I flinch a bit, shake the fever aside, and step out into the marshes.
In her new exhibit of recent paintings, sculpture, film and video, Laura Krifka makes an unrestrained inquiry into human behavior, psychology, death, violence and sexuality without flinching.
Some people head into job interviews with lowered heads, sweaty palms, and flinching facial expressions, hoping only that they'll survive the moment without screwing up.
But she choked, flinched, allowed a seed of doubt to creep into her consciousness and thus her voice.
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