Sentences with phrase «floating structure»

Then, just like on the prairie of old, these clusters might eventually draw enterprising businesspeople willing to open small shops in floating structures of their own, forming a nucleus resembling a village square.
Recently unveiled by Dutch architecture and urban planning firm Waterstudio — who are, fortunately, specialists in floating structures — the Krystall Hotel is designed to resemble a six - point crystalline snowflake and will sit in the Arctic Circle, nestled between fjords near Tromso, northern Norway.
In a deal between the Scottish government and Norwegian oil company Statoil, five wind turbines with a capacity of six megawatts each will be set on floating structures some 15 miles (25 km) off the northeast coast of Scotland near Peterhead.
In an effort to sustain their fossil fuel dependency, humans have built some of the largest floating structures on Earth.
In living cells, most floating structures are enclosed by membranes that help them retain their shape in the cells» watery cytoplasm.
Fishermen often build floating structures called FADs, or fish - aggregating devices, to attract tuna to an area, allowing them to capitalize on this behavior.
ARK is a pretty intense survival game that puts you in a world filled with dinosaurs and strange floating structures.
Like Minecraft, you get little explanation about who you are or what you're doing, but the implant in my arm and the previously mentioned floating structures definitely give it a Hunger Games vibe.
The U.F.O 2.0 a futuristic fiberglass and carbon floating structure.
The new floating structure of the PCU's reactor greatly reduced vibration and high frequency noise.
The extraordinary floating structure will navigate the waterways of the Olympic boroughs during the summer 2011, and accommodate intimate on - board screenings and events inside a bespoke twelve seat cinema auditorium as well as function as a «projection house» for both mobile and static outdoor film screenings.
The work of the artist is rooted in the artistic history of Russia, referring to the Constructivist aesthetic and Malevich's Suprematism of abstract forms, mathematical compositions and floating structures combined with depictions that are related to the content of Russian Social Realism that succeeded the avant - garde movement.
The United States Supreme Court begins its new term today by hearing arguments in Klobel, Esther, et al. v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, et al. (10 - 1491)(regarding corporate tort liability for violations of the law of nations) and Lozman, Fane v. Riviera Beach, FL (11 - 626)(regarding whether moored floating structures constitute «vessels»).
«Vessel» now includes unpowered floating structures such as pontoon rafts and dredges.
These nine large floating structures, each of which isolates 75.000 litres of seawater, were brought to different carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as to be expected for upcoming decades and centuries.
In what is claimed to be the first floating wind farm in the world, five wind turbines with a capacity of six megawatts each will be set on floating structures and located some 15 miles (25 km) off the northeast coast of Scotland.
To go any deeper, the best option is likely a floating structure similar to that used by the oil industry.
They feed on the sea life which seek shelter near and in the floating structures, such as flying fish, squid and sea horses.
The story of the floating structure is also uncovered via scenes that play out as a 2D puppet show.
Each level is comprised of a handful of self - contained, floating structures, which you launch yourself to.
Seay will execute a large - scale installation that features a floating structure of delicately knit, sound - reactive circuitry.
Accessible by boat which will ferry pool - goers at intervals, the floating structure will have a 9,000 square foot pool outfitted with textile membranes capable of filtering the river's waters.
A team of researchers from the the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) developed the new model of a floating structure for offshore wind turbines, called WindCrete, that is capable of being anchored at much greater sea depths.
It is a floating structure that adapts to the tidal changes and varying water levels, making it invulnerable to flooding and storm surges.
Apparently, the young woman was swimming at a YMCA when she fell from a floating structure.
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