Sentences with phrase «floral tribute»

People lay floral tributes to the victims of the March 22 terror attack in Parliament Square outside the Houses of Parliament in central London.
Members of her family visited the scene on Saturday to read floral tributes and thank gathered crowds for their support.
It and 149 other floral tributes to art in the M.H. de Young Museum's collection are on display March 15 - 19.
In L.A. the floral tributes — donated by a florist chain called Conroy's, which valued them at 20 bucks a throw — were specifically designed to correspond with the Games» so - called «festive federalism» official colors.
This morning, the Liverpool captain and manager placed a floral tribute alongside the Hillsborough memorial at Anfield on behalf of the club.
MPs observed a minute's silence before business began in the Commons and Prime Minister Theresa May laid a floral tribute outside parliament.
Outside the church, a floral tribute of white roses from prime minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha carried the message: «The country has lost an extraordinary talent whose character and courage inspired us all.
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