Sentences with phrase «floss as»

Using the Whitening Water Flosser should be straightforward — just insert a whitening tablet into the Water Flosser handle, aim the water at your teeth, and then water floss as you would normally.
Many hair clips and bobby pins can be refashioned into a fishing hook (attach your dental floss as as a line).
Answer: No, it is weak by design to prevent prisoners from using dental floss as a weapon or to cut their way out of their cells.
During that meeting, DC co-publisher Jim Lee held up a sheet of typing paper and a piece of dental floss as a visual analogy for the relative sizes of the print and digital markets.
During that meeting, DC co-publisher Jim Lee held up a sheet of typing paper and a piece of dental floss as a visual analogy for the relative sizes of the print and digital... [Read more...]
«Drink it, but brush and floss as recommended.»
It even acts as dental floss as your puppy chews it, cleaning and flossing your pet's teeth as they play.
Caring for our own dental health is a daily routine in our lives, including daily brushing and flossing as well as yearly cleanings and exams.

Not exact matches

Originally founded in the late 1800s with offerings such as baby powder, sanitary napkins, and the first mass - produced dental floss, Johnson & Johnson has grown into a true global healthcare titan.
It has the best parts of grilled corn — the sweet flavor and the buttery texture — without any of the downsides of eating corn on the cob, such as looking like a damn beaver with rabies when you attack a corn on the cob with your mouth and having to floss immediately afterwards.
Hello wellness mama i just want to say thank you for all your great information i have been reading a lot of your articles especially the dental care ones, i have just recently found you while looking for alternatives on taking better care of my teeth since my dentist recently found 7 cavities in my mouth despite the fact that i have always taken care of my teeth by brushing 2x / day, flossing, oral rinsing etc. as a matter of fact too much care maybe thats why im in this situation ok so long story short i need to know if the molars that have been filled or «fixed» (the way dentists like to call it!)
Here's how I would describe it: aroma like fruity caramel and the scent of pralines being made in Savannah's old - fashioned candy stores, chocolate dissolving into rich sweetness around silky firm caramel with notes of golden syrup, marshmallows, and demerara sugar, salt flakes dominant and assertive, heightening the flavour like Berthillon's salted caramel ice cream, caramel luscious as it melts away like butterscotch fairy - floss.
Described as having aromas of butterscotch and toffee apples with flavours of candy floss and a gentle touch of peat smoke, typical of the Cù Bòcan range, there is only 11,400 bottles available worldwide.
On the bright side, it doesn't take me as long to floss.
The surge of hormones throughout the body during pregnancy, as well as increased blood volume, can cause the gums of many expecting mamas to swell, bleed, and become irritated, even if you're religious with brushing and flossing.
We took the kids to see a production of «Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,» and they delighted in the story, as well as the fact that they could eat candy floss (cotton candy) during it.
I hate flossing, as I'm sure most of you do too.
Get some new toothbrushes and floss for your children as a special Halloween treat and make their smiles shine.
The lettering and floss color can be chosen, as well as having printed letters added as well.
As children and adults we know that if we want to have a healthy white smile we need to brush our teeth twice a day, floss if necessary and have regular check ups with the dentist.
For example, if you don't bother to brush and floss, the natural consequence is cavities and maybe lost teeth as an adult.
Sometimes being a mom means cutting back on basic hygiene as well: 10 percent said they brush their teeth less often, 9 percent floss less, and 8 percent shower or bathe less.
You also can get toddlers interested in the routine by letting them watch and imitate you as you brush and floss.
As I grew to a teen and in my adult years I have taken care to brush / floss but my teeth are still occasionally sensitive to cold foods.
The custom embroidery can be done in different colored embroidery floss, as well as font styles too.
Second, manufacturers use a wide range of flavourings, such as peach, candy floss, and even Gummy Bear, that seem designed to appeal to children.
«My bad joke about sea otters is that they might as well be dental floss,» says Paine.
As a health educator, Maples is disappointed that media reporting makes it seem like you don't have to floss anymore.
This is why we continue to stress preventative measures such as brushing, flossing and routine dental visits, in hopes of avoiding costly and time consuming procedures,» says Hogan.
As keto breath is nothing to do with the health or cleanliness of your teeth or mouth, no amount of brushing, flossing and mouthwash swilling will make it go away.
Many of us feel guilty as adults for failing to floss every single day.
To be clear, most dentists still recommend flossing, but suggest adding mouthwash or another method to the mix as well.
Thankfully, while flossing may not be as helpful as we once thought, there are other ways to keep the mouth healthy.
Flossing may not be as important as we once thought, but it is still beneficial for food stuck between teeth.
As common «facts» about oral health continue to be challenged, including the importance of flossing, I'm confident that we will see continued research on the link to nutrition:
It's interesting to note that the Pacific Islanders that Dr. Price studied never brushed their teeth, never flossed, never used antibacterial mouthwash, and never saw dentists and yet they had superb dental health as long as they continued to eat their traditional, coconut - based diet.
Brush and floss your teeth as soon as possible after eating to remove the sugar from the surface of your teeth.
Oil pulling can aid in your dental care routine, but again should not serve as a replacement for regular brushing and flossing.
Bacteria can live deep into the body, so it is essential to maintain regular tooth brushing and flossing, as well as keep up with regular dentist visits to assure optimal dental health.
well,... 14 years as a fruitarian made my teeth perfectly healthy especially my gums... and I brush and floss my teeth only once a day...
Measure the area you are wanting to adorn such as a mantel or staircase and cut the floss to fit.
It comes with one of those detachable strap pouches that is about as useful as dental floss after you've fallen down a well.
The embroidery floss would split on nail heads at times but, as long as I was paying attention I was easily able to unwind it from that nail and redo it.
This cornrow style makes use of candy floss pink and black box braid extensions being inserted into them (known as crochet braiding).
But they're about as effective as dental floss.
As a wine and coffee drinker, I feel like my teeth often look stained, even though I am a stickler for brushing and flossing.
We don't mean the overpriced, Abercrombie & Fitch strip of dental floss variety of yesteryear, but a much classier version (not quite as short, thankfully!)
Or maybe it means writing down one thing you did each day that made you feel proud, whether it was as big as tackling a new project at work or as small as finally remembering to floss.
Journaling started to feel as burdensome as flossing.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to share the best parts of our lives as long as we understand that this level of floss has drawbacks.
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