Sentences with phrase «flow of the letdown»

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The massage mode is light and fast and is perfect for triggering «letdown» (the start of milk flow).
If your flow is strong and you have a forceful letdown, he may be clamping down to slow the flow of your milk.
In the first few weeks, babies tend to fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk is slow (this slowing of the flow occurs more rapidly if the baby is not well latched on, since the baby depends on the mother's «letdown» or milk ejection reflex to get milk).
Often, a baby who has had a bottle will prefer the constant, steady flow of milk from the bottle rather than the breast, which has several letdown reflexes and requires suckling for the milk to be removed.
When the letdown or flow of milk is too fast for baby to manage, it can make nursing a stressful and sometimes scary experience for baby, sort of like trying to drink from a fire hose.
Hyperlactation is the result of an overly strong milk letdown reflex that causes milk to flow too quickly and forcibly for a baby to comfortably swallow.
Other moms are more comfortable during a laid back position where a mom is leaning back and baby is on top of her body kind of faced down into the breast so both of these were a baby is in more control of that flow, that heavy flow but also the forceful letdown that somebody had mentioned that helps and just a have a little bit more control of it so they can coordinate their suck, swallow and breathe pattern a little bit better too
If you can bottle some of the overactive letdown, your baby will be able to enjoy a more steady flow and you'll have some breast milk stored for a rainy day.
Letdown mode — switch with a touch to the letdown mode, which is a light, quick mode designed to speed the start of milk flow, just the way a babLetdown mode — switch with a touch to the letdown mode, which is a light, quick mode designed to speed the start of milk flow, just the way a babletdown mode, which is a light, quick mode designed to speed the start of milk flow, just the way a baby does.
That only tends to make things worse by impeding the release of oxytocin, which helps with letdown and to keep milk flowing.
If a strong letdown is the problem, the flow of your milk may be too much for her to handle at once.
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