Sentences with phrase «fluctuations over short periods of time»

It is well known that bitcoin is volatile; the price of a bitcoin is prone to significant fluctuations over short periods of time.
The prices of gold, precious metals, and precious minerals are subject to substantial price fluctuations over short periods of time and may be affected by unpredicted international monetary and political policies.
The Fund invests in gold and other precious metals, which involves additional risks, such as the possibility for substantial price fluctuations over a short period of time and may be affected by unpredictable international monetary and political developments such as currency devaluations or revaluations, economic and social conditions within a country, trade imbalances, or trade or currency restrictions between countries.

Not exact matches

This provides good results and shows a notable slowdown — but only since 2004, and probably the change over such a short period of time is mainly due to natural fluctuations and in itself hardly reveals anything about the possible effects of climate change.
While A is transferring energy to B, B is transferring a similar amount of energy to A. Ie the NET transfer of energy is zero (at least when averaged over sufficiently long periods of time to average out short - term statistical fluctuations).
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