Sentences with phrase «fluorescent markers»

In this technique, antibodies against distemper virus are tagged with fluorescent markers.
In addition, the team used fluorescent markers to show that the «wheel» of the machine was actually turning.
The mice were a strain previously engineered to produce a bright green fluorescent marker in any active neurons.
It uses a specially developed fluorescent marker which attaches to cell proteins when injected into patients.
Even fluorescent markers will work if you dare to bring them out of hiding.
Using new technologies for labeling cellular machinery with light - activated fluorescent markers, they could «turn on» just one molecule at a time.
And by using fluorescent markers to tag these cells, they have even been able to detect them by using a simple mobile phone camera.
A cortical layer 2/3 neuron at 21 days in vitro labeled by ex utero electroporation with fluorescent marker for spine visualization.
Ueda and Kimata used fluorescent markers of MTs and F - actin to see how they change before and after fertilization, and how the two fibers play a role in the polarization and asymmetric division of the zygote.
Fluorescent markers injected into the transparent brains can highlight the RNA in its original position.
By using different fluorescent markers to label both the transport proteins in the membrane and the banana - shaped proteins on the inner side, the Poolman group could determine which proteins are co-localized with the eisosomes.
Use fluorescent markers as a guide for blot - film orientation.
Fluorescent markers combined with the reagents are automatically read by a microscope to determine the precise concentrations in each droplet and also observe how the reaction proceeds.
To better visualize the cells through the division cycle, the researchers took advantage not only of fluorescent dyes, but also of a recently developed Fucci fluorescent marker.
Fluorescent markers reveal that this Medfly contains genes that make it sterile.
The team of scientists headed by Dr. Ulrike Schoetz, Dr. Nikolas Deliolanis, Dr. Wolfgang Beisker, Professor Horst Zitzelsberger und Randolph Caldwell from the Helmholtz Zentrum München have succeeded in developing novel fluorescent markers that excite in the far - red and emit in the infrared spectrum.
«Here we have demonstrated the further use of this novel technology to develop highly sought after biologically relevant fluorescent markers quickly and easily for different imaging needs,» says Caldwell, who led the study.
Kandel is using special fluorescent markers that label messenger RNAs to track their movement from the cell body to the synapse in response to learning - related growth requirements.
We recommend confirming the presence of the transgene by PCR or examination of the cell line microscopically for fluorescent marker expression.
Genetically engineered fluorescent markers permit the isolation of these stem cells for cell based therapies, as well as their tracking using in vivo imaging to follow their fate.
Fluorescence - based assays Fluorescent markers such as EGFP, YFP, mCherry and mTomato or fluorescent biosensors can be used to measure a variety of real - time cell - based activities, including, intracellular transport, protein signaling, receptor desensitization, migration, division, apoptosis, metabolism, differentiation, chemotaxis, transcription and translation.
Kelley and his team also used mice with fluorescent markers in different cells of the ear followed by next generation sequencing.
The most common probes, which use fluorescent markers or radioactive labels to pinpoint the virus's location in a tissue sample, sometimes have difficulty distinguishing the target — HIV RNA and DNA — from surrounding cellular components.
Quanterix screens patient samples with 720,000 microscopic beads coated with capture antibody (for the biomarker of interest), incubates the beads with a capture antibody and mixes them with a fluorescent marker, then spreads the beads into 216,000 isolated microchambers.
The PCR reactions occur inside the individual droplets, which the machine then sorts with fluorescent markers to detect target sequences.
To track activity, Lu's team included a fluorescent marker
The first step involves tagging target sequences with fluorescent markers.
After watching those mice thrive for several months, Lagasse repeated the experiment using fluorescent markers to trace the path of the liver cells.
He proved it in 2003 by first X-raying mice to kill off all the stem cells in their bone marrow, then repopulating the bone with stem cells tagged with a fluorescent marker.
Scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have developed a way to equip mouse blood stem cells with a fluorescent marker that can be switched on from the outside.
Blood stem cells in the bone marrow have been labeled with a fluorescent marker protein.
This fluorescent marker can be turned on at any time by administering a specific reagent to the animal.
However, it takes a very long time for the fluorescent marker to spread evenly into peripheral blood cells, an amount of time that even exceeds the lifespan of a mouse.
Equipped with a robotic arm and surgical tools, STAR combines smart imaging technologies and fluorescent markers to navigate and adapt to the complexities of soft tissue.
Depending on which device they buy, researchers can photograph cells at anywhere from 20x to 60x magnification, and use the included software to sort them by purely visual characteristics such as shape and size, fluorescent markers, or both.
The variety of colors seen are created by the balance of fluorescent markers.
Using fluorescent markers, Fuchs and her colleagues isolated two distinct populations of stem cells from mouse skin.
«This methodology is very important because it allows you to very quickly integrate almost any piece of DNA in these vectors,» remarks Bellen, who says this technology also allows scientists to put single point mutations in a gene and then reinsert the gene into a genome as well as tagging a segment of DNA with fluorescent markers.
By tagging DNA strands with fluorescent markers, each chain could be observed in detail as it was stretched.
Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) used the cells of fruit flies, modified with a fluorescent marker that is activated when the cells are put under stress, to identify the signals responsible for driving up activity of the ER.
So, instead of just attaching a fluorescent marker to a ganglioside, the team chemically synthesized four whole gangliosides with fluorescent markers attached at specific locations.
Instead of just attaching a fluorescent marker to a ganglioside, the team chemically synthesized four whole gangliosides with fluorescent markers attached at specific locations.
By adding a fluorescent marker to the neurons, researchers could watch the pair light up when exposed to magnetic fields.
These cells, glowing green due to a fluorescent marker indicating their stem cell nature, were reportedly made through a new method that has been called into question.
He and his colleagues developed a fluorescent marker for early - stage germ cells, cells that eventually turn into sperm or eggs.
Using L1 tagged with a fluorescent marker, the group observed higher numbers of fluorescent iPSCs from non-human primates compared with humans.
Now, researchers at the University of Cambridge have used fluorescent markers to track cell development in the embryo of a cartilaginous fish — a little skate in this case — and found that these thorny scales are in fact created from the same type of cells as teeth: neural crest cells.
They removed spermatogonia labeled with a fluorescent marker from a mature male trout and injected the cells into the abdomens of newly hatched male and female trout fry.
The chemists built a detector with modified potato tissue supported in a reactor vessel containing a fluorescent marker.
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