Sentences with phrase «fluoresces green»

* She combined a marker — a gene for a jellyfish protein that fluoresces green — with a DNA sequence that turns on the green fluorescent protein in the presence of thyroid hormones.
The root fluoresces green when the TCSn gene associated with cytokinin activation is turned on because it is fused with a jellyfish protein that acts as a reporter signal.
The wool and acid reacted to form chemicals called beta - carbolines, which fluoresced green like Lindow Man II's hair.
Pictured Above: Greater Prairie Chicken germ - cells, fluorescing green thanks to the integration of a GFP marker gene.
SEP's pH sensitivity means Rosella will fluoresce green unless it's in an acidic environment like the vacuole or lysosome.
Some of the more popular timers (whether as part of protein fusions or expressed independently) originally fluoresce green or blue and, when they mature, fluoresce red.

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When zebrafish with the green fluorescing endothelial gene matured, the researchers observed green FGPs on the surface of the fish's brains — confirming that these cells arose from endothelial tissue.
If this defect is illuminated with a green laser, in response it will emit red light (fluoresce) with an interesting feature: its intensity varies depending on the magnetic properties in the environment.
They then shone green laser light on the cell, causing the nitrogen impurities to fluoresce with red light.
Benton tagged 162 scorpions and watched their nocturnal movements over 18 months using a portable ultraviolet lamp which made the animals fluoresce bright green.
modified the protein to make it a green fluorescing monomer, making it a possible stand - in for GFP that could be used with the same microscope filters already used for GFP.
Several cells express the GFP, fluorescing in green, when excited with blue light.
Tight clumps of green fluorescing FUS form in the untreated yeast cell on the left, but the protein remains diffuse and unclumped in the phosphorylated cell on the right.
Recently, Shaner et al. modified the protein to make it a green fluorescing monomer, making it a possible stand - in for GFP that could be used with the same microscope filters already used for GFP.
Available colors fluoresced orange, yellow, green and blue under ultraviolet light.
Ringworm can often be detected when a veterinarian observes your dog's skin through a fluorescing Woods lamp, through which the fungus appears fluorescent green.
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