Sentences with phrase «flying enemies»

The phrase "flying enemies" refers to enemies or adversaries that can fly or move through the air. Full definition
They are especially useful against flying enemies and can cover a lot of distance.
While a few towers are better for flying enemies and a handful of towers are strong against ground enemies, I never felt the need to really switch up my tower lineup.
Lock - on is very effective for keeping track of the faster moving, flying enemies as well as boss battles where you can target specific body parts that can help weaken the boss.
You can attack from close by, but for some serious damage you'll want to take advantage of the floating mechanic, which is also the best way to reach flying enemies.
On the subject of enemies, there's also flying enemies that look like a glitch rather than flying.
A double jump makes larger enemies easier to get around, while a wall climb makes fighting flying enemies a little less stressful.
It was designed to fly enemy aircraft in a virtual air combat simulator, but has now been turned into a system that controls allied planes that accompany human pilots in the simulator.
Unlike other flying enemies, Bullet Bills could be picked up and thrown while frozen.
You can use this skill to defeat flying enemies or to move objects and people during missions.
This can create a bit of frustration when combined with the aforementioned camera problems and an abundance of fast - moving flying enemies, at least in the demo.
This is especially useful for flying enemies, and those with armor.
It isn't as visually impressive as the PC version of Revengeance, which has higher - resolution textures and can push a much higher number of flying enemy chunks in Blade Mode, but it's still a remarkable game to see on Android.
Not only would I have to deal with deadly traps in an area, but would have to take out multiple enemies using shields that can only be broken by a certain special attack, and then having to worry about pesky flying enemies that count down and explode if not killed.
You'll bounce on massive cannon balls shot from a huge gun while trying to combat flying enemies or avoid incoming attacks, leap from platform to platform as gouts of flame lick at your heels and battle enemies while trying not to fall down a hole.
As in Xevious, you can drop bombs on ground targets as well as shoot dragon breath shots at normal flying enemies.
The player can also attack flying enemies by pressing the button (if passed to Mario) or the button (if passed to Luigi), making their baby counterparts shoot fireballs, which damage airborne enemies.
She can also leap into the air indefinitely to confront flying enemies, or use twin guns to down distant targets.
These colourful individuals make up possibly the most frustrating and tedious enemy type of the entire series, stun locks, sleep spells, freeze spells, vanishing a second before the last hit, flying enemies who love to constantly move just out of reach, every status ailment or frustrating attack pattern these guys throw out.
So instead of saying «always make two flying bugs here», it's more like «make two flying enemies here,» and then it's up to each environment to fill in the blanks with their unique baddies.
You won't get mad that some ground enemies look exactly like spiders (which aren't insects), you won't get mad that flying enemies don't always look like insects at all, and you won't get mad that, despite the city being totally deserted, you occasionally see a big pack of scared, running civilians in the middle of a mission.
Wakka's role is based on his blitzball weapon, which he can use to strike flying enemies.
The three attack types — slash, strike or pierce — are effective against squishy enemies, armoured enemies, and flying enemies respectively.
I have almost never seen an implementation of the «flying enemies + anti-air tower» design pattern that wasn't awful.
Melee attacks and magic can almost handle anything the game throws at you, aside from a few flying enemies that will require the use of archery.
Ranged weapons can be very useful against flying enemies in Monster Hunter World, and the light bowgun is our pick for this one.
You can still blast and stomp in addition to summoning imps and spires, but Gat out of Hell makes the blast feel much more useful because of the increased number of flying enemies.
Personally, I first killed it with a set of upgraded bone Dual Blades, but the SA is great for flying enemies.
This provides you with both a light and heavy attack, plus a spear attack that sees you throwing projectiles to get those pesky flying enemies.
Square allows your character to dash, which is essential when it comes to being swarmed by enemies, and the jump button will help you when it comes to attacking flying enemies.
Hammers won't reach flying enemies, and jumping on a spiky enemy isn't a very smart idea.
Not only can they pick up sounds from at least 375 body - lengths away (about 10 feet), but they're also specially attuned to the frequencies produced by the wing beats of their flying enemies, like the wasp.
You can't hit a flying enemy with the hammer, and you can't hit a spiked enemy with a jumping shoe, so you'll need to have both.
Enemies come in numerous varieties from normal walkers that charge their target, to flying enemies that require special weapons to bring down, to long range shooters that you'll need to make sure you dispose of quickly.
I did find that sometimes the camera felt a bit sluggish — especially when dealing with the faster or flying enemies.
There are some challenges when you are swarmed with a group of mobs, and flying enemies can be a pain to kill if you're moving between elevations in the terrain (and questionable hit boxes).
Using the whip to propel yourself into the sky, for example, can sometimes be a royal pain in the backside because there's no way of aiming it, instead you just tap the button when a white circle pops up but that can often result in you going the wrong way, or grappling onto a flying enemy rather than the tree because it happened to move into range at the wrong moment.
This would slow down the flying enemies so that the missile turrets had even more time to fire on the enemies.
Players wield two guns, which require increasing levels of accuracy to quickly take out the flying enemies.
These range from simple buffs such as increasing maximum HP by four for everyone to more specific ones such as doing more damage against flying enemies.
The fast - paced battles truly do feel like an extension of the action combat systems found in Kingdom Hearts, and while the camera can be infuriating and flying enemies are a chore it is definitely a game I'll go back to and explore.
The lock - on system begins to go crazy when too many enemies clutter the screen and don't you dare lock - on a flying enemy, because you will never see them as the camera twirls about.
The only downside to the flying is that you can not use this mechanic when in a dungeon — making fights against flying enemies a bit of a pain at times.
All characters, who can be swapped on the fly, come with unique upgradable skills, learned by leveling up or by reading Manuals, and different attack attributes that are more effective against specific enemies: flying enemies are generally weak against Piercing attacks, armored enemies against Crushing attacks and so on.
There are smaller enemies that jump at you from the ground, or flying enemies that follow you until they are defeated or they can not reach you.
They each serve a purpose such as the pacing ground enemy, bouncing enemy, flying enemy, wall - mounted shooting plant, and even a Thwomp - ish enemy.
A plant can't withstand fire, dinosaurs don't like earthquakes and flying enemies can't tolerate lightning.
For instance, veteran swordsman Auron hits hard but has difficulty connecting against flying enemies, so I use him against armoured, ground - bound enemies instead.
Tip: Keep an eye on the swarm that's coming next in the top left corner and make sure you're prepared for flying enemies — normal turrets won't attack them!
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