Sentences with phrase «flying wyvern»

This giant flying wyvern is home to all five locations: Ancient Forest, Wildspire Waste, Coral Highlands, Rotten Vale, and Elder's Recess.
A cutesy flying wyvern with a neck that can puff up until it looks like a child's swim ring, the Paolumu is a bat / hamster hybrid who's a joy to fight.
He is classed as a Flying Wyvern, but his move set involves little flying attacks.
Bazelgeuse are a kind of massive flying wyvern with huge scales that can explode at will.
It's a flying wyvern that control the wind and, if you're a dedicated melee fighter like me, is pretty difficult to fight.
Striking various toads to trigger status effects or lassoing a flying wyvern to pursue your mark are just a couple of ways to use the environment to your advantage.
This Flying Wyvern features wings separated into four parts resembling leaves which fold back upon one another when not in flight.
Thankfully, by knowing its weaknesses and going in prepared, you can make quick work of this flying wyvern.
In Monster Hunter, Rathalos is a flying wyvern, and the costume channels his poisonous talons, fiery projectiles, and a clubbed tail.
Nearly all flying Wyverns (Lucent has lower tolerance) have an average tolerance to slime.
Take how I earned my Rathian Charge Blade, a frankly ludicrous combination of sword and shield that transforms into a poison - dripping axe: I had to scavenge monster bones to build the base model, carve up several Jyuratodos (giant, furious walking fish) for a mid-tier upgrade, and then slice the tails off of several flying Wyverns to harvest their poisonous barbs for the final version.
His hobbies include traveling the world putting small critters into ball shaped capsules, slaying Flying Wyverns, and mastering his wake - up Heavy Shoryuken!
These flying wyverns are more aggressive and territorial versions of regular Diablos and are usually found within Wildspire Waste.

Not exact matches

Deployment gets even more interesting when Pegasus and Wyvern riders are introduced to the cast, who can fly over throngs of enemies as well as certain obstacles on the map.
Leucistic Wyvern is a great modern take on the classic, with improvements such as varied terrain (including hills that you have to make sure you fly over, lest you crash and lose some of your health).
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