Sentences with phrase «focus and concentration skills»

Parents have noticed a boost in their children's academic grades with the aid of animal companionship, believing that it helps improve their children's focus and concentration skills.
To provide tools that help all children navigate physical, mental and emotional barriers to learning, including improving focus and concentrations skills, and increasing emotional regulation capacity.

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However, reading itself can help enhance communication skills, reduce stress, improve mental agility and improve your focus and concentration.
These eco-friendly, handmade toys are a delight to the senses; they encourage gross and fine motor skills, hand - eye coordination, focus, and concentration.
Parents have reported many benefits from B6 supplements including improvements in sleep, focus and concentration, language skills, and interest in learning, and reductions in hyperactivity, irritability, aggressive and self - injurious behaviors.
Yoga has been proven to improve attention and emotional balance, build concentration skills, increase focus, build physical strength & flexibility, relieve stress, and improve wellness in children.
Black maca root specialises in the following: memory, concentration and focus skills, fertility and libido in men, stamina and energy, and possibly even bone density.
These 50 calming strategies could help your students to keep their focus and concentration, develop and enhance good coping skills as well as self - regulate.
Students demonstrate increasing kinesthetic awareness, concentration, and focus in performing movement skills
Drama games develop skills that students need to be successful in many other areas of their lives: concentration, focus, self - control, spontaneity, and confidence.
Learn how to improve your focus and strengthen your concentration skills with simple mental exercises.
-- Prepare to train your brain by completing a series of challenging exercises with an emphasis on concentration skills and focus to train your working memory.
Video games are certainly cognitively demanding and require fortitude in mental and perceptual skills like concentration, working memory, vision, problem solving, multitasking, and focusing one's attention.
Prepare to train your brain by completing a series of challenging exercises with an emphasis on concentration skills and focus to train your working memory.
Driving with a high Blood Alcohol Concentration makes us drowsy, inhibits reaction time and decision making skills, impairs our vision and perception and limits our ability to focus.
Students who choose a concentration will take classes specifically geared to aspects of that concentration, and will focus largely on learning about that area of law and mastering skills relevant to the specialty.
Discover skills to effectively set goals, improve concentration and focus, and effectively deal with setbacks.
Self - and co-regulation development for children and caregivers including cognitive, emotional modulation, focusing / concentration, and social skills and decreased likelihood of high - risk behaviors including self - abuse, suicide attempts, and aggression to others
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