Sentences with phrase «focus needed on»

He was an author of a paper in the same journal last year with this title: «Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure.»
Alvarez, R.A., S. W. Pacala, J. J. Winebrake, W. L. Chameides «S.P. Hamburg 2012 Greater focus needed on methane leakage from natural gas infrastructure.
Sometimes you can achieve the type of focus you need on your own, and sometimes - like in the case of the sun - you need the help of the right tool.

Not exact matches

Erin Lowry, author of Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together, says, «People's relationship to money is not rational, it's emotional... We need to focus more on the psychological blocks and triggers that stand in people's ways, instead of just explaining how to budget or the importance of compound interest.»
If you're really focused on growing your company you need to be focused.
Having a few clients gives Joanne Sonenshine's consulting group time to focus on their specific needs, but «there is a fear that if one or two go away, we are in a serious financial conundrum,» she says.
At the core of his advice, Schleckser believes CEOs need to put the blinders on and focus on what truly drives growth.
Once your final product has been approved by testing and feedback sessions then you need to focus on your marketing campaign.
By focusing on their needs, we are more apt to gain compliance and avoid resentment.
I take a few calming breaths and focus on the task at hand and not everything that needs to be done.
So, you need to focus on all these things and develop a website that loads quickly.
When that number drops, I know that I need to focus more on sending high - quality traffic to my site.
This way, you can focus on the needs of your business while allocating all PR specific needs to someone who is trained in the subject.
All you need to focus on is doing your thing and doing it harder and better than the rest.
You'll then be able to focus on what needs to be done, which is growing your business.
Instead of focusing on selling your product, offer expert advice on what's best for your customers» needs — even if it's outside of your product offering.
Still, many agree that Democrats need to focus on an economic message that appeals more broadly to voters who don't feel the economy is working for them.
In short, you need to focus your marketing efforts on those areas of the digital realm where your audiences are most likely to be — inside messaging apps.
What Great CEOs understand is that they need to spend most if not all of their time focused on the key constraint inside their business — not simply on keeping busy.
In order to keep your efficiency up and allow yourself to focus on the tasks most important to your business, you need to know what are the best tools available.
«We just kicked the shit out of Microsoft and Nokia,» says a former employee, «and there was this general sense that we didn't need to do anything else besides focus on our core competencies.»
: This one «taught me people were different and how to focus on their needs as a leader,» notes entrepreneur Al Doan.
Once they have all the customer information they think they need in their pockets, they turn their focus on the new batch of customers.
The trio chose to focus on the vast arena between hobbyists and soldiers: professionals who need to take pictures from the sky.
Experts tend to focus on universities and colleges as the place where we need to teach innovative thinking.
New business - focused technologies are coming to market each and every day, and for small and start - up businesses in particular these advancements provide a much needed lifeline to reduce overheads, boost bottom lines and streamline management on a short and long term basis.
«When companies do this, they're saying «We want to focus on our core competencies, but we still need HR talent within our organization, in close proximity to where our people are.»»
It's true that focusing on the present helps you get tasks done faster, but working on your next day's to - do lists will help in two ways: First, you'll help your future self by setting a prioritized list of items in advance, and second, you'll be clearing your mind of tasks you don't need to worry about today.
Companies that can meet that need — while outsourcing the boring stuff to focus on the essentials — look set to profit.
Stay focused on the strategy you have already laid out, follow through and adjust along the way when needed.
Former rustbelts trying to lure in high - tech companies need to focus on creating the kind of cities where knowledge workers actually want to live
What you can take away here is that you don't always need to focus on all the usual bells and whistles.
I'm a self - published author, and while writing more books is great, I also need to focus on selling the one that is already out there to as many distribution platforms as possible.
Just focus on «building up a reputation of respectful, trustworthy behavior, keeping client needs first, and thinking about what they would want in a house sitter,» Morgaine recommends.
Math education software DreamBox provides educators with recordings and data into how students are learning and progressing so that educators can focus on the areas where their classrooms need the most help.
Then, when the RFP comes in, you have 80 percent of the standard materials all ready to go and can focus on the 20 percent that needs to be customized for that particular proposal.
The top thing companies need to focus on now, says Salkeld, is keeping their employees on the job.
In 9 Email Productivity Secrets That Will Get Your Life Back, I provided tips that will free up the time you need to focus on other tasks.
Iyka focuses on providing the most advanced data solutions and services to meet the needs of next generation businesses.
To make the initial decision to do the production and let others do the selling, you need to focus on getting that production facility just right.
We need to focus in on these things, but we also need to create an environment that makes it easier for ideas to bloom in lots of different industries.
Often multitasking, they may need in time to choose to focus on their strengths.
But in my experience having a healthy tension of needing to show progress / hit milestones has a forcing function of getting companies hyper - focused on results.
A Business Owners Policy (or BOP) can roll all of these together in a cost - effective manner, but if you want to get customize your policy, here is what you need to focus on.
From there, you can remodel your marketing strategy to become more focused on your customer's needs, thus creating more of an inbound marketing approach.
Some small studies have suggested that synbiotics could provide benefits to a range of other conditions influenced by the gut microbiome as well, including obesity, diabetes, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, but larger - scale clinical trials focusing on each of those conditions are needed.
In other words: you should probably focus your charm offensive on the office introverts — they're the ones who need the most convincing of how great you are.
Daunted by the expense of a four - year program, students are focusing on learning the skills they need for the jobs they want.
We really need to identify this high growth, try to create new high growth companies, and focus on that.
What you need to do is to focus on what matters and what works for your business.
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