Sentences with phrase «focus on instruction»

Although it's not focused on instruction, there are instructional moments that would be good discussion items for teachers.
When students sit in one place trying to remain focused on instruction for too long, it makes learning difficult.
A key prerequisite of leader assessment is a strong focus on instruction and the behaviors most likely to drive better learning.
Our central office team has worked hard to help principals focus on instruction even as their job gets ever more complex.
I used these examples of instructions when starting a block of literacy focusing on instruction writing.
Making this assumption was a useful starting point, in part because most districts are using measures focused on instruction.
They usually meet on a weekly basis to plan, always focusing on instruction.
I've long held that if teachers at high poverty schools could primarily focus on instruction you would see a change in the achievement - wealth connection.
But when teachers do take on leadership roles, they can make a real contribution, especially because they typically focus on instruction.
But because city schools often have multiple assistant principals, with different people focusing on instruction and operations, applying a single set of criteria to their evaluations could be complicated.
We both believed that personalized learning is about the learner and about the learner driving their learning, NOT focusing on instruction.
We conducted a regression of the Principal Instructional Leadership measure on the principals «responses to items in the District Focus on Instruction scale, including building characteristics (size and level), student characteristics (% minority and % FRP) as control variables in the model.
In addition, Dr. Jones has developed research - based methods of group management that are extremely cost - effective — that free the teacher to focus on instruction rather than discipline.
assist public school districts in focusing on instruction and redesigning / aligning their systems with instruction at the core
This product focuses on the instructions, philosophies, and rules members of the National Association of Realtors ® utilize to empower themselves, become more aware and be safe real estate practitioners.
His work examines the promise of distributed leadership, the potential for improved incentive systems to promote effective practices and bring them to scale, and the necessity to maintain a tight focus on instruction within an internalized accountability system.
the district is making it easier for leaders to focus on instruction by not bothering them with operations; and
Our knowledgeable and enthusiastic coaches will focus on the instruction of position specific fundamentals leading into team - related drills (scrimmages).
But Cash also noted that as the district is about to begin the second full year of the New Education Bargain with Student and Parents, he expects to see «larger percentage increases due to reduced class size in the early grades, along with a strategic focus on instruction across the curriculum - i.e. literacy, reading, writing, vocabulary, comprehension, numeracy, social studies, science, and technology skills.»
If we unbundle teachers» roles so that some adult educators focus on instruction while others are dedicated exclusively to developing, administering, and scoring assessments, we could start being more deliberate and purposeful in how we allocate resources for ongoing assessment.
This finding is quite remarkable: It suggests that district policies and practices focused on instruction are sufficiently powerful that they can be felt by teachers as an animating force behind strong, focused leadership by principals.
Focus on Instruction Turns Around Chicago Schools,» Jan. 6, 2010.)
Dr. Lapp focuses on instruction that supports learning for a diverse range of students.
In each district, leaders communicated a clear focus on instruction and placed a high priority on collaboration.
Districtwide meetings of all principals and central office staff are a big investment and focusing on instruction offers the best returns.
Recognizing that effective schools must have strength and leadership among the teaching team, Blake works tirelessly with large districts — most recently Grant Public Schools, Swan Valley Elementary Schools, and Richfield Public School Academy — to develop these teams of professionals with a laser - beam focus on instruction and student engagement.
The new evaluation system, designed to keep administrators and teachers focused on instruction, is unrolling amid a historic — and historically distracting — year in the nation's third - largest school district.
School is very simple to me; it is about educating and having a laser - like focus on instruction, student achievement and student outcomes.
The Little Blue Book: Rules to Live by for REALTORS ® focuses on the instructions, philosophies, and rules members of the National Association of Realtors ® utilize to be successful in their real estate careers.
Why, for example, does instructional leadership exercised by principals have an insignificant effect in the regressions that focused on instruction as the dependent variable, while it shows a strong effect when the dependent variable is student achievement?
Literacy centers are a great way to reinforce students» reading / writing habits, which allows teachers to focus on instruction rather than classroom management.
These products focus on instructions, philosophies and rules members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ® utilize to be successful and stay safe in their real estate careers.
While the characteristics of the school and its student population, taken together, have a strong association with principals «instructional leadership, the measure of District focus on instruction has a significant regression coefficient.
District officials say they will provide extra security for schools like Jenner as well as administrative support at both closing and receiving schools so principals can remain focused on instruction.
a Golden Oldie can offer easy adaptability to the ebb and flow of your household, tolerance of changes in your schedule, and a long attention span with a tight focus on your instructions and behavior preferences.
New principals need to have a strong focus on instruction and a drive to improve their skillset.
In response to trying to solve this conundrum, the University of Washington Center for Educational Leadership (CEL) partnered with the Florida Association of School Administrators, the Florida Department of Education, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to see if supporting school - based instructional leadership teams would help principals focus on instruction and support teacher growth.
KIPP and No - Excuses schools like Sci Academy (detailed in the book) pride themselves on clearing out all of the managerial detritus so that teachers can focus on instruction.
I should have been focusing on my instruction and creating engagement lessons and projects for students to do.
I keep asking myself whether this video should focus on my instruction or on the child in socializing with her peers.
Keep the focus on your instruction, suggests Pagan.
Making time for a focus on instruction is very difficult, Joy Hood, a coach with the PEBC program, told Education World.
Schools without a focus on instruction, a collaborative culture, and a language of instruction will never be great schools.
Making time for a focus on instruction is very difficult, said Joy Hood, a coach with a principal leadership program in Denver.
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