Sentences with phrase «focus on the single items»

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But not a single section heading, subheading, or index item focuses directly on the international or global characteristics of religion.
«Every single item was evaluated and re-plated,» Gleason says, in a process that focused on how it could create a better - quality experience for consumers.
Neither is loading up the front page of your site with every single item of content on your site — when everything is the focus, then nothing is the focus.
The scientists focused on CAS - Games, which is a single item on the scale that asks participants how often they play games such as cards, checkers, crosswords or other puzzles.
About These Worksheets Each worksheet focuses on a single episode of Crash Course World History and typically contains between 10 and 20 items for students to complete.
And then Bungie added in just a little bit of extra bullshit, focused on endgame micro-transactions: Sparrows are now cosmetic items you receive randomly in the game's lootbox - style «bright engrams»; shaders, received the same way, are now single - use items, received in packs of three to five; and the faintest whiff of non-cosmetic paid upgrades exists in the armour and weapon «modifications», which you receive in the same way and use to boost your gear.
Scale that up to the firm level, and you have leaders focused on strategy, revenue, profitability and performance — all critical items, to be sure — but rarely on the single greatest challenge of leadership: making others great.
Contemporary principles of measure development for the assessment of parenting [36, 37] guided the construction of the intrusiveness measure, including aggregating multiple measures of the same parenting behavior from different informants into a single composite measure; focusing on specific behaviors (e.g., «mom gave me help in putting on or taking off clothes») rather than vague concepts (e.g., «mom invades my privacy»); focusing on a short, specific time - frame; using items that are relevant to the age - group being studied; and including observational methods.
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