Sentences with phrase «focused on brain» is an educational website focused on the brain and brain health, with multiple free resources, such as articles, news, and brain teasers.
My training includes certification as a Registered Play Therapist and my experience with children and their families is focused on brain based therapeutic play that is informed by the neurobiology of each child. is an educational website focused on the brain and brain health, with multiple free resources, such as articles, news, and brain teasers.
The Hampton injury law firm focused on brain injury issues and located appropriate professionals to articulate the life - changing injuries to the gas station worker client.
I blogged on my cerebral misadventure as it unfolded, as some may recall, but only got around to writing up an article about it after Ben Lillie, who left high - energy physics to focus on science storytelling and co-created Story Collider, invited me to tell my stroke tale as part of a special story slam in Brooklyn focused on brain science.
Most importantly, it concludes that older gamers are much less interested in game design that is focused on brain training and physical exercise than popular media would have you believe.
A year later, a study by McCandliss and Sumit Niogi that focused on brain structure found a connection between reading skills and white matter, the bundles of electricity - conducting tissues that link parts of the brain together, like the fiber - optic cable network to the Internet.
The prevailing safety concerns about marijuana from mainstream medicine, mainstream media, and government officials are focused on the brain.
Paleo and Grain Brain have a lot of overlapping concepts, but the main difference is that Grain Brain is focused on brain health.
Until now, most people working in this field focused on the brain and nervous system.
The Lundbeck Foundation's annual grants of around DKK 500 million for Danish - based, biomedical sciences research, primarily focused on the brain, are the cornerstone of the Foundation's vision to create better life through new knowledge.
Finally, Raghupathi and his laboratory focused on the brain's production of a chemical called dopamine (DOE - pah - meen).
Much recent attention has focused on a brain region called the basal ganglia that is involved in repetitive behaviors and on the neurotransmitter dopamine.
Though much of the concern in the media regarding the toxic effects of Zika virus has focused on brain findings of microcephaly, the researchers noted that there are a variety of brain abnormalities that can be found in fetuses exposed to the virus, including gray and white matter volume loss, brainstem abnormalities, calcifications, and a condition called ventriculomegaly, where the ventricles, or fluid filled spaces in the brain, are enlarged.
Although Khaitovich thinks that the Neandertal genes affect the composition of fat throughout the body, the researchers focused on brain tissue first because it contains so many fatty acids — and was available from a brain tissue bank.
Most previous research on social behavior has focused on the brain's circuits for hardwired behaviors, like aggression, sex, or mothering.
The research is continuing as part of a Strategic Initiative focused on the brain, with LLNL biologist Nick Fischer as the principal investigator.
«We focused on these brain regions because physicians and trainers regularly encounter large deficits in players» ability to smoothly track a moving point with their eyes after suffering an acute concussion,» Port said.
Eventually, he hopes to build an industrial research park focused on brain - related healthcare.
Approximately one in four venture dollars now invested in life science companies in the United States goes to companies focused on the brain and nervous system, which represents a more than threefold increase since 1999, according to the NeuroInsights report.
Using a small amount of a radioactive substance as a tracer, the scientists focused on the brain's mu - opioid system in which chemicals called endogenous opioids bind to receptors and hinder the spread of pain messages in the brain.
Most of the research on the biological clocks of animals has focused on the brain, but that is not the only organ that observes a day - night rhythm.
In the first study to assess the relationship between structural and functional MRI data in bipolar disorder, Dr. Shantanu Joshi and his colleagues at the University of California, Los Angeles focused on brain regions that play a role in mood dysregulation in the disorder.
Babies need frequent night feeding due to the rapid pace of neurological development that occurs especially during those sleepy, night - time hours when calories and energy are all focused on the brain.
What do you think about the future of innovations focused on the brain?
I focus on the brain chemicals first.
Imaging various sections of white matter from different angles can help researchers focus on the brain circuitry important for proper neuron communication.
The Neuro Complete logo highlights our focus on brain development and features the four areas pediatricians check for most: cognitive, motor, communications and social.
His research interests focus on brain and spinal cord injury, particularly that which is relevant to the military.
Etzioni's team is now setting Semantic Scholar loose on a massive corpus of research papers focusing on the brain.
«Most of the research investigating the mechanisms of bird song focuses on the brain.
Neurobiological models of self - control usually focus on brain mechanisms involved in impulse control and emotion regulation.
Ron McKay and his colleagues at the National Institute of Neurological Disease and Stroke in Bethesda, Maryland, usually focus on brain development, but they were intrigued by recent papers reporting that some pancreas cells express nestin, a protein typical of developing neural cells.
Dr. Collingridge's research, which focuses on a brain region called the hippocampus, which is important for memory storage, helps identify they key players in LTD..
By using MRI scans and focusing on brain anatomy, the researchers hope to find clues to better diagnose and treat depression and to identify individuals at higher risk for recurrent episodes.
Their image, showing six different computational visualizations of a cell membrane for a single brain cell, was featured as the cover story in a special issue of Biophysical Journal, that focuses on brain biophysics and is published by the Biophysical Society.
The Swedish part of the effort, called the Human Developmental Cell Atlas (HDCA) program, includes researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University and KTH, focusing on brain, lung, heart and fetal development during the first 12 -LSB-...]
The researchers» goal was to correct the faulty NPC1 gene in as many cells and organs as possible, with a strong focus on the brain.
We have a range of opportunities, including funding, events and career development support, to help researchers develop their focus on brain tumours.
Having a child with ADD, I found that detoxing that focuses on brain detoxification to have the best results.
The Your 7 Step Brain Protection Plan tour takes place between March 1 - 7, in which the UK's leading nutritionist specialising in women's health will be focusing on brain health.
Working in my own clinic, measuring the body composition and focusing on the brain dysfunction symptoms of more than 18,000 patients, I have discovered a new disease model and a new way to treat it.
Her program of research, conducted at MIT in the Gabrieli Lab and at MGH Institute of Health Professions, focuses on brain and behavior correlates of development, difficulties, and intervention effects for reading.
Australia About Blog NeuRA Blog - current medical and neuroscience research with a focus on the brain and nervous system including Parkinson's, dementia and schizophrenia.
This breaks up the monotony of trial and error, and gives more action to a game that focuses on brains more than button mashing.
David Evans QC is a highly experienced clinical negligence specialist, focusing on brain damage and spinal injury cases, with a particular interest in the quantum side of cerebral palsy and paraplegia claims.
I am a managing partner and one the founders of the Gertler Law Firm, an Injury and Accident Law Firm in New Orleans that focuses on brain injuries resulting from accidents.
We are Western Canada's leading brain injury law firm focusing on brain and neurological injuries.
We are a leading Vancouver, BC personal injury law firm that focuses on brain injury, spinal cord injury, medical malpractice and other types of critical injury cases.
• Neuropsychologist - clinical neuropsychology is a specialty profession that focuses on brain functioning.
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