Sentences with phrase «focused on crop yields»

In the past, coffee research was primarily focused on crop yields and disease resistance with little consideration for quality.

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Howard - Yana Shapiro, a plant scientist wizard, focused on how to improve nutrition in crops, rather than just the volume of the yield, and the coming crisis in feeding the world's population.
We focus instead on one major insect pest --- wheat stem sawfly (Cephus cinctus Norton)-- on Montana's dominant crop, wheat, to illustrate the mechanisms and principles involved in assessing climate change effects on agricultural pests and their impacts on crop yield or quality.
The collaboration between Sapphire and Monsanto will focus on identifying genes that positively affect growth in algae and that might also increase agricultural crop yields.
Related I also recently found a useful resource for anyone looking to focus research on places in the world where the gap between current crop yields and potential yields is greatest: The Global Yield Gap Atlas.
Within the last few years, crop ecologists in several countries have been focusing on the precise relationship between temperature and crop yields.
This analytical report provides an overview of what climate change will mean to subsistence and smallholder farmers in Lesotho, and how the capacity for climate change adaptation in agriculture can be strengthened, focusing on selected areas of crops, livestock and forest - based livelihood systems, to stabilize and improve yields.
Focusing on specialty fruit production, Houston et al. (2018) find that overall warmer conditions and reduced water availability may reduce net returns on crops due to increasing farming costs, affecting yields and altering product quality.
In order to generate such enormous losses (of 50 % to 70 % of crop yields), the study not only has to focus on a very unlikely climate outcome, but also has to assume that farmers stupidly ignore the changing conditions for the next 85 years.
Crop ecologists in several countries have been focusing on the precise relationship between temperature and crop yieCrop ecologists in several countries have been focusing on the precise relationship between temperature and crop yiecrop yields.
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