Sentences with phrase «focused on specific subject»

There is some evidence that teacher leaders provided more effective instructional support to teams that were focused on specific subject areas than to teams with an interdisciplinary focus.
In high school, this can be very important as students must focus on specific subjects that will fit their needs best for college preparation.
It's perfect for assignments that require students to focus on a specific subject area.
Students should have complete freedom to select news stories, however articles may focus on a specific subject area.
Most have an overriding theme or focus on a specific subject or grade level.
Teachers in middle schools normally focus on specific subjects such as math, English, social studies, science, art, or physical education.
Charter schools typically focus on specific subject area such as mathematics or science and provide rigorous content that exceed state expectations in those areas.
Krinzinger eternalizes perishable Old Master paintings in technically elaborate digital photographs, focusing on specific subjects such as hands or breasts.
The course is broken down into 5 units, each focusing on a specific subject.
I tried it and it's like a bullet, but it doesn't account for focusing on a specific subject.
A Historian typically works in the academic field and researches and records facts about the past, often focusing on a specific subject or time period.
Many business schools run specialist MSc or similar masters programmes that allow you to focus on specific subjects, many of which can complement a first degree in a non-finance-related area (but do check with individual course providers).

Not exact matches

This way, you can focus on the needs of your business while allocating all PR specific needs to someone who is trained in the subject.
Your niche allows you to focus your expertise and time on one specific subject.
Why is the subject focused on men when the effect of relational trauma on subsequent adult relationships is not gender specific?
A 2005 UN agreement on the R2P resolved these concerns by avoiding any legal obligations, defining R2P as a «UN responsibility to protect» and subject to negotiations within the UN Security Council, and narrowing the focus of the R2P to four specific crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing or mass atrocities.
In 1984, Conservative Education Secretary Sir Keith Joseph decided to proceed with a merger, on the premise that the new qualifications should be based on general and subject - specific criteria approved by himself; that the O Level exam boards should take responsibility for carrying forward the O Level A to C grade standards into the new scale, while the CSE boards should do the same for grades D to G, which were to be based on CSE grades 2 to 5 respectively; and that most subjects should be examined through tiered papers focusing on different parts of the grade scale, ensuring that each grade reflected «positive achievement» on appropriate tasks, rather than degrees of failure.
Donovan, who has been a middle school teacher for more than 20 years, explained that other science curriculum materials are often subject - specific, focusing lessons on individual scientific fields like biology and excluding disciplines like chemistry that can provide an essential foundation for students.
You'll probably want to gather information on a variety of subjects before you zoom in and focus on a specific field.
The tool, which focuses only on computer science for now but will expand to neuroscience by the fall and then to other subjects, can rank papers, authors, and institutions by a specific influence score.
PhD students receive initial training to outline the breadth and potential of nanoscience, before they focus on mastering one specific area of the subject.
During the first four - year cycle (2013 - 2016), the prize subject focused on the basic sciences, with the specific subject area changing each year: physics and astronomy (2013), biological sciences (2014), mathematics (2015) and chemical sciences (2016).
As separate courses, we can delve deeper in specialty topics and focus on specific health scenarios and populations, like our upcoming Reversing Cognitive Decline course or the subject of this article, Men's Health.
Like the recent Capote, the film chooses to focus on one specific event in its subject's career, rather than stumbling through a condensed Cliff's Notes version of his entire life.
Over the last three years I have focused my instructional design efforts on a specific context: higher education courses delivered via a learning management system (LMS) by subject matter experts (SMEs).
There are too many to mention here, but examples include free twilight CPD programmes to all staff within an alliance; placement schemes for senior leaders to gain experience of working in other schools and contexts; a mentoring programme for newly - employed heads; developing innovative programmes for School Direct trainees; SLEs offering one - day diagnostics as well as longer deployments focused on increasing attainment and progress in specific subjects; and the establishment of cross-alliance research groups meeting regularly to develop action research.
We are just finishing our research and evaluation for the programs from our 2013/14 school year and in two of our major initiatives, we are seeing statistically significant gains in Mathematics - it's in Math that these two schools have focused their blended methods on (often we pick a specific subject area to do a small scale pilot).
Teaching and learning in the senior secondary school continue to be strongly focused on the acquisition of bodies of subject - specific content.
In particular, Totley cite the «Learning Challenge Curriculum» — a curriculum designed by Focus Education to identify and progress through the subject - specific challenges children encounter in learning — as having had a great impact on their teaching philosophy, which has allowed the end - of - year KS2 results to improve year - on - year for the past five years.
The review also called for mentors to focus on «systematic development» of trainees» subject - specific knowledge and expertise in language teaching.
He added: «Holding fire on major policy changes and allowing a longer lead - in for government initiatives would allow schools time to focus on subject - specific professional development, rather than being distracted by the demands of the latest Whitehall directive.»
The more successful professional development programs last several days, focus on subject - specific instruction, and are aligned with instructional goals and curriculum.
For example, a student might assess how strong his or her thesis statement is by using phrases from a rubric, such as «Focuses on one specific aspect of the subject» or «Makes an assertion that can be argued.»
Instead of merely entering a number into the computer system and sometimes also a code that spouts out a phrase like «student excels at subject,» they would need to write multiple paragraphs for every single teen in their class, focusing on strengths and weaknesses, and citing specific examples of outstanding work.
The school discarded courses focusing on generic methods of teaching, instead offering methods courses specific to subject areas.
The Inspectorate does conduct quality audits focused on specific areas, such as instruction in a particular subject or school management.
A subject - specific methods course primarily focuses on the representation and teaching of ELA content.
Teacher training programs in Delaware focus on specific age groups, various subjects, and exceptional student needs.
Students rotate on a fixed schedule or at the teacher's discretion among locations on campus, one of which is an online lab, to focus on a specific course or subject.
Key features include course units aligned to common core and state standards together with local district frameworks, interactive media - driven lessons focused on core concepts and skills, closed captioning and definitions of key academic terms, embedded subject specific Tier 2 vocabulary, on - going formative assessments, summative unit tests, teacher support materials, and at - home parental involvement learning tools — all designed to be used in concert with the district's instructional program.
Master's programs can focus on a specific area of teaching practice like elementary or secondary education, a particular academic subject, or put a graduate on a track towards school administrator jobs or curriculum and instruction jobs.
If you've written a nonfiction book, focus on giving talks about your subject matter or staging book signings in venues where interested audiences already gather (veteran's halls, specific clubs, etc).
To do this you need to focus on writing very specific blog post titles about very specific subjects, and you also need to have enough history, content and backlinks for Google to recommend you over other websites with similar articles.
Like The Drops of God, Oishinbo is less of a throw - down than a know - down, and you don't really need to care about the ongoing plot, since the books cherry - pick subject - linked stories to focus on a specific culinary theme.
I'm not focused on a specific destination, travel tips or many of the other main travel subjects.
Their German language classes focussed on advanced German, Business German, and German for specific purposes, to reflect their chosen subjects at higher education level.
Art collectors often focus on a specific period, style, or medium, but her interests were relatively broad, encompassing artists of African, African American, and Caribbean descent who work across a wide spectrum of subject matter.
Genzken, who has often dedicated particular art works to specific people, naming sculptures after friends, artists, or people whom she admires, focuses in this exhibition on her own image, thematizing the idea of portraiture and self - portraiture, being at once the artist and the subject.
By Walker's own acclaim, she pinpointed the exact theme of her art's preoccupation in a response to pressure and expectation from her instructors — whether by intentions or accident, Walker started focusing on race - specific issues, subject matters that will soon become her recognizable trademark.
Demosthene's work focuses on a black, female subject, to tell alternative narratives of women of colour and shut down the over-sexualised stereotypes that can arise around this specific demographic.
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