Sentences with phrase «focuses on these characters away»

Much of the film, in fact, focuses on these characters away from the clown.

Not exact matches

Twenge and Campbell are drawing here on research from the so - called positive psychology movement, which recently has attempted to shift the focus of psychological research away from disease and disorder to a study of the character strengths that make for happiness and human flourishing.
Despite the lessening of madcap energy, Shrek the Third is still quite funny in parts, with some fresh throwaway gags to produce chuckles now and then from characters you'd think they probably should have jettisoned long ago, but are secretly glad they've kept around (the Gingerbread Man, Pinocchio, etc.) The fact that they are keeping in nearly all of the characters introduced in the series thus far is a bit of a double - edged sword, as they do provide a certain respite from the main characters that are already cycling through the same jokes all over again, but on the other hand, it's getting to the point that the high overhead of injecting scenes for all of these characters takes away from the focus of the story at large.
When the film is about the specific individual characters, it's still interesting, but it takes the focus away for a spell on the thematic material, even if it seeks to expose how immoral the propagators of foreclosures - for - profit have to be in order to maintain their businesses in the face of daily suffering for many families in their broken communities.
Final Verdict: Logan is a film that steps away from the action and focuses first and foremost on the incredible character it has been given, creating a memorable final venture that will stay with you for some time.
In these instances, I found myself hoping that the songs would somehow be pushed away so we could instead focus on the development of the characters and their specific issues that they are facing.
It's also refreshing to see the show move away from Jim and Pam storyline and focus on other characters.
Biases alert: character facing away from us, stylized look, focus on story (gunslinger waiting for train, seen between his legs).
Adapted from the novel written by Larry Brown, the semi-biographical focus will be on the title character, as he mentors a boy from a notorious family and attempts to guide him away from following in their criminal path.
He (and editor Bob Ducsay) also knows when to pull away from the wide city - leveling shots and instead focus on the main characters.
Molyneux's character focused on shooting enemies with a powerful pistol, while his partner slashed away with a sword.
The revelation follows the de rigueur notion that all YA - inspired movie adaptations must come in threes and the belief that pop culture fans can't get enough of producers milking these make - believe worlds — whether it's the planned spinoff stories set in a galaxy far, far away, the everyday heroes of TV's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. or the darkly comedic prequel series to focus on Breaking Bad character Saul.
From the road trip on, the Coens» screenplay becomes a series of fatalistic jokes — from stepping in sloshy snow to a Catch - 22 with union dues — that shift the focus away from its astute character study.
At times, it seems as if the makers of the movie share this view, as the movie will shift away from Paula and Tripp for very long spells in order to focus on the shenanigans of these «minor» characters.
In this career - spanning collection, he focuses on the appurtenances of his characters: that is, the personal accessories that give away the characters» social status and intentions.
In Pikmin 3 the title veers away from Captain Olimar and focuses on three new playable characters from the planet Koppai, Charlie the captain, Alph the engineer and Brittany the botanist.
Most of the roster in MVC2 were simply cloned reskins of each other and Capcom has decided to do away with that and simply focus on the gameplay with each character feeling unique and all playing differently.
Karadalis: Im sorry but unless bioware decides to turn away from epic war stories and focus on the common day to day live of peasants in the dragon age world a «plus size» character makes no fucking sense.
Im sorry but unless bioware decides to turn away from epic war stories and focus on the common day to day live of peasants in the dragon age world a «plus size» character makes no fucking sense.
They began moving away from a character outside the Animus in Unity and Syndicate and opted to focus more on the past aspect of the game.
I think in stripping away so many of the things that we'd normally be focused on, it's easier to appreciate the unique character of what's left — like the person's voice.
Having a storyline focused on specific characters could take away from the immersion.
As the conductor begins to walk away from the actors and singers, the frames are now completely out of sync, and each focuses on different characters: the couple, the chorus, the conductor.
But the story does have one issue: It sometimes jumps away from Versio to focus on other, more established characters, taking players away from a new story they haven't seen before.
Her interest in social emotional development began while working with students with disabilities and realizing that their issues did not begin and end in the classroom, but rather impacted the away they interacted with others and how others interacted with them This led to a career long passion to help all students strengthen their character by teaching them how to develop social and emotional competencies.As an elementary school principal, she and her staff implemented school - wide philosophies that focused on SECD.
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