Sentences with phrase «focusing on all of the characters»

A new developer diary for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings today, focusing on some of the characters to be found of the upcoming kingdom - trotting RPG.

Not exact matches

The goal, Davis says, is to focus on long - term growth and building the lexicon of characters.
There has to be way more tank - filling than tank - draining,» says Ruben Nieves, former Stanford University men's volleyball coach and current national director of training for the Positive Coaching Alliance, a nonprofit organization based in Mountain View, Calif., that focuses on teaching and encouraging positive character - building in youth and high school sports.
Black Panther is the first standalone film to focus on the titular character, the superhero alias of King T'Challa of the fictional country Wakanda, portrayed by actor Chadwick Boseman.
It's one of the most intimate epics I've ever seen, which allows Tarantino to focus on the characters even more than the visuals.
«If we just focus on being the best we can be and bringing our best character to the table, we actually can take people who weren't attracted to us five minutes ago and turn them into people who suddenly can't get us out of their minds,» Hussey said.
Choosing to photograph on the street as her way of studying the fashion world, Jeng focuses her time in NYC — and the city is as much a character as the stylish subjects on her blog «The NYC Streets.»
Today, consumers in China don't associate the Line characters with the Line app — the IP stands on its own, said Alexis Bonhomme, general manager and co-founder of CuriosityChina, a company focused on social customer relationship management and Chinese digital platforms.
In a world of heightened capital concentration risk, increased focus on the character of trend is crucial.
Twenge and Campbell are drawing here on research from the so - called positive psychology movement, which recently has attempted to shift the focus of psychological research away from disease and disorder to a study of the character strengths that make for happiness and human flourishing.
Groups of young friends who go to see some of the more death - focused horror films in vogue of late will routinely take bets on which stock character will face a grisly end soonest, as when viewing the Final Destination series» a film series that is, essentially, the apex of the set - piece disaster horror movie as orchestrated by MacGyver.
This procedure has been very effective in helping us shape our church character and build our ethos and hone our practises as well as curtail our expenses to focus on and meet only the requirements of these eight basic building blocks.
New friendships tend to be shallow, focused on sharing superficial pastimes rather than on the mutual development of character.
Like Sir Walter Scott's historical novels, it takes place amidst events events that changed the course of human affairs, in this case, World War I, but remains vividly focused on one character's fate.
This production does not shed any new light on the play's themes, but wisely focuses on Shakespeare's wit and warmth, allowing the audience to delight in the escapades and truisms of some of the canon's most beloved characters and draw their own conclusions.
And African - American women, to take another example, have complicated the Anglo - European interpretation of the Abraham / Sarah narratives by focusing on the character of Hagar, the ethnic outsider, the slave, the surrogate wife.
While the first clutch of episodes mainly focused on aristocratic social issues, the second series features a string of shocking plot twists, including the surprise deaths of several major characters.
Right now the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada is conducting a major study of the public character of theological education, with a special focus on how seminaries can educate leaders who take their public role seriously.
Many of these creation imageries are found in the agricultural parables which focus on similarities of natural processes and the working of the Kingdom of God, unlike parables with human characters that center around human actions.
Could a focus on the congregation lead to the neglect of the church's catholic or ecumenical character (David Kelsey)?
It is my task to focus on the second half of the title, on the character of that process perspective which our...
His explanation for the scale of the abuse was focused on the allegedly brutal character of the Irish peasantry; «the culturally and intellectually impoverished class from which many of the Christian Brothers were recruited.»
The music and Scripture should focus our attention on the character and holiness of God and be a reminder of the reason we worship Him at all.
Third, I will treat in detail the Hartshornian stance regarding abortion, a stance with which I agree, both to illustrate the aforementioned connection between moderation in metaphysics and moderation in ethics as well as to combat the charge that virtue ethics, because it focuses more on the character of agents than on their acts, is incapable of treating the really difficult issues in applied ethics.
It need not trouble us that the man going on a journey is represented as a hard man driving a shrewd bargain for his own gain, for the parable does not focus on the character of God or of Christ.
«4 With the term ascription, built on the model of description, Hart focuses on a remarkable character of juridical statements: they can be contested, either by denying alleged facts or by invoking circumstances which can weaken, alternate, even annul the claim of a right or the accusation of a crime.
The 2010 campaign was also highly personalized, although not in the usual sense of focusing mainly on the President's character attributes, as was the case in the Clinton «impeachment» mid-term election of 1998.
In this section we will attend to the peculiar character of the soul in general, and in the following section we will focus on the distinctiveness of the human soul in relation to subhuman souls.
That's because, too often, we focus on the Proverbs 31 Woman's roles as a way of reducing womanhood to marriage, motherhood, and domesticity, when really, this passage is about character that transcends both gender and circumstance.
But, where mainstream critics took issue with an uneven script, Focus on the Family's «Plugged In Online» took issue with the main character's actions not being up the Boy Scout code of conduct.
Oakeshott consistently focused both on the essence of the activity (poetry, philosophy, liberal learning) and on the character of the individual who engages in it.
We should focus more on the character of an individual than their gender, maybe then we would have fewer pastors caught in adultery or worse.
But I also wonder if horror is good at telling stories about women because horror, almost by definition, focuses on the vulnerability of its characters.
And we could say still further: A style of judging that insists on focusing, in a demanding way, on whether the law is justified fits more aptly the true character of law, whether the judges get the answer in the case right or wrong.
«It is interesting that so much of the artwork on this theme, Wilde's play and the opera that followed [which was based on the Wilde play], have focused on Salome as the interesting character,» he says.
His role, it seems to me, is essentially that of a sentinel (Ezekiel chapter 33) who foresees approaching events and gives warning before the situation reaches the pitch of tragedy, takes on a massive character or becomes the focus of passions.
We must talk about practical, tangible moral dilemmas, realities and virtues, and we must focus on developing character in the midst of religious belief.
At the same time, modern attempts to construct a view of Jesus that omits any emphasis on the death, focusing instead on a message or practice Jesus taught without reference to his own fate — which are implausible as history and often lack distinctive Christian character.
I believe that by maximizing one subtle ingredient like zucchini you can achieve maximum dept of flavor, textures, temperatures and add lots of character to the dish by focusing on «the» one ingredient.
This is the opening of The Lunch Line Fight: Looking at Different Perspectives, by Tosca Killoran and Jeff Hoffart, part of a series of 10 paperback books with a focus on citizenship, mindfulness, empathy, character and social - emotional skills, presented in story book format.
For example, instead of focusing on DeShone Kizer needing more time, he would say, «He's a great character guy.
Our focus is on getting players of good character.
All of us can be for one day in our life exceptional but character is to have a target and maintain your focus on that target.
It was a great episode to be a character arriving to a scene out of focus; there was a 100 percent chance you were showing up on - screen to kill someone (only a 67 percent success rate, though).
This is exactly the kind of image that Arsenal need to develop, and it is belief and character alone which can carry them through the tough times and focus on the goal at hand.
Experienced teachers focus on intellectual and character growth, attending to the social, ethical, and emotional needs of sensitive and capable students.
Author Paul Tough talks with Hathaway Brown Head of School Bill Crist about why schools and teachers should focus on resilience and other non-cognitive character traits, August 2012.
We'll focus on character design and plots and let kids be the authors of their own...
Your job as a fiction writer is to focus on your characters, and to ignore — to the extent you can — the rest of the bullshit...
Psychologist Angela Duckworth, a protà © gà © of Seligman's, has done a range of studies — on college students with low SAT scores, West Point plebes, and national spelling bee contestants, among others — and has found that a determined response to setbacks, an ability to focus on a task, and other noncognitive character strengths are highly predictive of success, much more so than IQ scores.
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