Sentences with phrase «foetal development in»

Lead researcher Prof Anne - Marie Minihane, from UEA's Norwich Medical School, said: «The long chain omega - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA are beneficial for cardiovascular and cognitive health, as well as for foetal development in pregnancy.
Lead researcher Prof Anne - Marie Minihane, from UEA's Norwich Medical School, said: «The long chain omega - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid EPA is beneficial for cardiovascular and cognitive health, as well as for foetal development in pregnancy.

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The difficulties associated with obtaining nerve tissue at the correct stage of development and differentiation from aborted embryos means that foetal tissue transplantation is no longer in favour, but the creation of human embryos specifically as sources of stem cells, and the push to use «spare» embryos from IVF treatments is gatheringmomentum.
We are thus beginning this century, frequently referred to as the Knowledge and Innovations Century, with every third child being handicapped at birth in brain development due to poverty - induced maternal and foetal under and malnutrition and every
-- The symptoms result from an excess of the growth factor PDGF, which prevents the temporary blood vessels of the foetal stage from disappearing, which in turn prevents normal development of blood vessels in the retina, says Karin Forsberg Nilsson, professor at the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology at the Rudbeck Laboratory, who directed the study.
Stress hormones in the mother can affect foetal development, according to a study published today in The Journal of Physiology.
Therefore, the base of the antennae can serve as a sort of control centre that coordinates the cell's ability to manage foetal development and the maintenance of organ function in adults.»
Exposure to low levels of Bisphenol A during foetal development has also been shown to lead to a variety of reproductive problems in humans, including a lowered sperm count and infertile sperm.
And, even these «[s] lightly elevated [levels] of endocrine disrupters in [the] milk of mothers with a seafood - rich diet [may be] associated with adverse effects on neurological development, foetal and postnatal growth, and memory functions [in] breastfed infants,» because «these contaminants may interfere with the endocrine [or hormonal] system.»
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