Sentences with phrase «fog so»

(And of course, when I somewhat finished, it rained for three days with intense fog so the lighting was terrible for photographs!!)
At night, a thick fog rolled in, blocking out the views — fog so dense that it was impossible to see beyond it.
Worse, a giant cruise ship was moving closer in fog so reflective Morton could not tell where its sound was approaching from.
Once, Alexandra Morton and an assistant were out in the open water of Queen Charlotte Strait in her inflatable boat when she was enveloped by fog so thick she felt like she was, «in a glass of milk.»
In 1983, Ahn was aboard a small fishing boat when he was caught in a fog so dense that he could not see his hands in front of his face; suddenly, the fog cleared, revealing sunlight on the water all around him.
I just want to know when (if at all) the get rid of the fog so that you can see farther, or at least create a setting for fast loading with the fog or long loading with no fog.
It's cold, it's wet and the Col is shrouded in a fog so thick that even the Countach's flaming exhausts can't burn it off.
Finally since February after another few days of Cycling I think I felt my worst, constant muscle aches and brain fog so severe that I wasn't even understanding conversations anymore!..
At first they put me on levothyroxine, I then lost half of my hair, all my nails broke & would not grow, and I had brain fog so bad I stumbled over my words and could not finish a sentence.
It's also important to mention that lack of sleep is often a big reason why people have brain fog so being conscious of getting enough sleep can help to eliminate this problem as well.
In fog so dense that human vision could penetrate only 36 centimeters, the system was able to resolve images of objects and gauge their depth at a range of 57 centimeters.
Is the fog so thick that they can not see what is being done to them?
The rear defroster takes ten minutes before seeing even small changes in fogging so the rear view camera is a must for backing up in the AM.
These substances can also last as long as 7 months, so it may be wise to plan the fogging so that when it does wear off most of the fleas will be less active.

Not exact matches

The goal was to show the larger context, DuVernay said, «so that we're not living in this fog of ignorance anymore.»
According to island lore, local fisherman started painting their homes in bright colors — hues of orange, red, yellow, and purple — so they could see them while out fishing in the fog and could follow their colors back home.
With so many different options out there, Jeff hopes to ease the fog and help others make clear and smart financial decisions.
It seems so long ago * that the version of the proceedings above, from the geniuses at the Bad Lip Reading channel on YouTube, now seems more or less accurate through the fog of memory.
Some bonds trade once a week, month, or year... indicative levels are given, maybe, but you navigate in a fog, and so you begin sounding out the likely market to get some concept of where a trade might be done.
And all those yellowing Vintage paperbacks of the authors who were considered especially significant when I was in high school or college — Camus, Faulkner, Sartre, Mann, Gide, and so on — dissipated like a pale morning fog without any profound sense of desolation descending on me.
However, seeing as there are clearly people in this discussion thread who are disinclined to lend equal weight and credibility to the words of a woman when there's a perfectly good white man about I will endeavor to break down one particularly telling statement (to me, at least) in McLaren's non-apology apology so that, perhaps, something might pierce the fog McLaren is attempting to deploy as a defensive shroud.
The fog was so thick that one's vision reached only a few feet.
I am ashamed of the bumper stickers, the t - shirts, the logos, the fog machines, the light shows, the celebrities, and that paralyzing fear of Silence we're so bound and determined to avoid that we keep shouting and shouting and shouting at one another till our words are just clanging cymbals echoing off church walls.
Afterward the 100 or so worshipers gather outside for tea in a frigid fog.
Political activity encourages a «limitation of view, which appears so clear and practical, but which amounts to little more than a mental fog
«The Spirit is like breath, as close as the lungs, the chest, the lips, the fogged canvas where little fingers draw hearts, the tide that rises and falls twenty - three thousand times a day in a rhythm so intimate we forget to notice until it enervates or until a supine yogi says pay attention and its fragile power awes again.
Oh, and with the whole jesus thing, «he» doesn't appear in cloud formations, a piece of toast, or on your fogged mirror in the bathroom... it's nice to believe and to each his / her own, but seriously... the stories of yester - year were derived from people who were so often drunk or hallucinating and being passed down for generations, obviously got changed.
Powell: So much of what we think works to reach young people in churches — loud music, fog machines, hip leaders, trying too hard — doesn't matter nearly as much as driving to the essence of what it means to be a family - like community centered in Jesus.
I was in a fog after cooking so much for Claire — I couldn't think of something that would be yummy, quick and not too complicated.
Perhaps you have an email icon on your site somewhere but that is part of this brain fog... I am so tired, I just don't even see it.
Sweet potatoes are carby, but they're a good carb that digests slowly so that you're not sugar - bombing your system into a 2 pm brain fog.
I was so excited when we drove up Highway 1 a couple of years ago only to find that the whole thing was totally obscured by fog the whole way up to Monetary.
Plus, cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant that also regulates your blood sugar, so you can avoid those spikes and drops, which lead to unnecessary eating, brain fog, and crankiness.
Besides some minor tummy issues I have so much energy and my brain fog is gone.
During the summer months, the region was cooled just enough by our typical fog and aggressive winds so that the ripening season was warm and sunny.
«I could barely see a couple feet ahead of me because the fog was so thick, and this little, tiny, must have been 4 - 6 pound tabby kitten, started running alongside me in the fog at like a 10 minute per mile pace, for like a mile and a half.»
At Yakima Valley EG for mallards and OVG; heavy fogs have forced duck to fly so low on way to water, gunners in right spots are having field days.
Of course, Sankaty Head will never be able to do anything about one of its natural hazards: the fog which rolls in off the sea on some late afternoons just to remind golfers and people all over Nantucket that they are on an island and, as the Indians were saying in the first place, far away — so wonderfully far away.
The fog was so thick in Dortmund in November 1966, that some referees might have declined to go ahead with the match.
I am impressed that you still write so eloquently from the midst of a fog and I really appreciate your willingness to be upfront and frank about your situation with your readers!
The postpartum period, with all its accompanying stressors, tends to aggravate pre-existing anxiety so it is wise to tackle it before you are a in a sleep - deprived fog.
So now that we have emerged from the fog that is the first 8 weeks, it's time to talk about those rocky few weeks that most people are too tired to mention.
They want to take a breather, and they let you know about their need for this respite by your experiences of pain, fatigue, tears, the baby blues and that brain fog that so often accompanies the first month of the postpartum period.
:: hearing a new chicken coop being built, vegetables being planted, new pigs in the pasture... and so much more happening all around our little world as Annabel and I begin to wake up (a little bit) from the fog of the first days.
Bad news: the anti-fog coating is gone, so you'll have to use spit or anti-fog solution to prevent fogging.
Lenses are pre-treated with an anti-fog coating so you're ready to go out of the box, without the annoyance of fogged vision and additional goggle maintenance.
And while you're in the middle of your fog, please lay your clothing out the night before so you don't forget crucial pieces.
Have a designated spot for bags and homework so you aren't tearing the house apart to find things in your pre-coffee fog.
(Just realised the date of this post but it is the «the great attachment parenting con» article and the follow up on Nurshable that have been getting me thinking) I have been trying to work out why I struggle so much with the label «attachment parenting» and you have really helped clear the fog in my mind.
As Nancy Pelosi said, «we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it — away from the fog of the controversy.»
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