Sentences with phrase «foil ring»

Cover the golden edges with the prepared foil ring, return to the oven and bake until the pie dries out and the bottom and sides are golden brown, 10 to 25 minutes.
May want to place a pie edge protector or make - shift foil ring if edges are getting too golden too soon.
The test objects were shiny metal screws, small foil rings and a small rectangular piece of aluminium foil.
They made a copper foil ring, which is a receiving antennae that encircles the drone's casing.
While the dough is chilling, preheat the oven to 425 ° and make a foil ring cover: Tear a 12 - inch piece of aluminum foil and use a pair of scissors to cut the center into a circle.
(Tent crust with a foil ring after 15 minutes.)
Cover the edges with the foil ring, return to the oven and bake until the crust dries out and the bottom and sides are golden brown, 10 minutes.
If the edges of the pie are browning too much during baking, cover with a foil ring.
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