Sentences with phrase «folks wisdom»

Here is another example of folk wisdom serving as a guide to healthy eating.
Here's my prediction: Using folk wisdom as a guide to long - term financial planning is guaranteed to lose you money in the long term.
Although there is a long history of folk wisdom about uncertainty before marriage, there has been little scientific study of this issue.
Perhaps it's time to add «Never click on unsolicited SMS links to questionable pornography» to the rich trove of Russian folk wisdom.
Another bit of folk wisdom to consider is to buy as much house as you can afford — even if it means bag lunches and reduced vacations for a few years.
One by one, they revealed a deep understanding of motherhood and of their infants, often using folk wisdom that had been handed down to them.
There are elements of good sense in folk wisdom and popular religion, and what health remains in the body politic depends on this.
I would look into evidence - based sources on aromatherapy, rather than ones that are just a regurgitation or based on folk wisdom.
Jewish folk wisdom gives us a memorable answer: «It took 4 days to take Israel out of Egypt.
Folk wisdom gives us mixed - messages when it comes to compatibility.
Folk wisdom suggests that cheese causes constipation, but instead it's usually due to low fiber consumption and physical inactivity.
However, as Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) pointed out in a speech delivered on November 23, 1900, popular folk wisdom says that every time a school is closed, a jail must be built.
It can certainly be credited for geographical knowledge, as well as folk wisdom learned from experience, such as the proscriptions against eating shellfish or pork, but it is certainly nothing more than the recorded myths of a specific people from specific points in time.
The note, full of Buffett's famous folk wisdom, also gave hints as to who may be next in line to take over the top leadership role if Buffett were to pass away or step down.
Especially in a country in which folk wisdom and popular religion have diverse cultural sources, the appeal to these is often highly divisive, as today over issues of abortion and homosexuality and religious practices in the schools.
Laughter and tears are intimately related, as folk wisdom knows and as many poets have told us.
It is also unsupported folk wisdom that suicide tends to be seasonal, with more suicides taking place during bad weather or at Christmastime when some people are most lonely.
This means that the womanist theologian must give authoritative status to black folk wisdom (e.g., Brer Rabbit literature) and to black women's moral wisdom (expressed in their literature) when she responds to the question, «How ought the Christian to live in the world?»
Many people still lend credence to a rather sexist bit of English folk wisdom that states that boys are carried down low and out front because they need greater independence, while girls are carried up high and across their mother's body because they need greater protection — the origin of this particular sex prediction myth.
A new study puts some old folk wisdom to «feed a cold and starve a fever» to the test.
Both pieces of folk wisdom came to mind when I visited the shack to see whether the current aspen growth pattern and deer behavior would fit Leopold's historical observations.
If desired, you can add licorice root, which according to herbal folk wisdom can also be helpful for soothing sore throats.
You know how it goes: better safe than sorry, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and any other bit of folk wisdom elevating careful prudence and preparedness over convenient short sightedness.
There's a bit of internet folk wisdom, frequently (and incorrectly) attributed to Margaret Atwood, which reads, «Men are afraid women will laugh at them.
It passed off fallacious folk wisdom as legitimate research findings.
That's not just folk wisdom, that's research.
Next to my desk, I hung a scrap of paper on which I wrote this quote from the life - changing book Coercion & its Fallout by Dr. Murray Sidman: «An overworked and incorrect bit of folk wisdom pronounces the carrot to be of no avail unless backed up by the stick.
Don't let such unsupported and unscientific folk wisdom keep you from giving your pet appropriate care, as outlined in this excellent article!
Her 48 embroidered cotton squares titled «Lessons From My Mother,» for example, present bits of Eastern European folk wisdom accompanied by equally wry illustrations.
Folk wisdom consists of common - sense beliefs passed down orally through generations of ordinary people.
Folk wisdom doesn't come with a text book on parasitology.
His opening cut against conventional legal folk wisdom about not overdoing or overcooking opening statements.
If policy makers are not primarily informed by one or another of the university specialties, they must fall back on folk wisdom, popular religion, or economic interests, whether of those they represent or simply their own.
«In folk wisdom, sage is said to lighten the spirit.»
Yiddish was the language in which the logically complex, multi-voiced world of the Talmud made its way into Jewish folk wisdom.
It s a treasured piece of American folk wisdom that makes all kinds of sense in terms of home maintenance.
Folk wisdom suggests a number of mixtures that you can sprinkle selectively to keep cats out of certain yard areas, so you may wish to research these.
Folk wisdom says that if you throw a frog in a boiling water, it will promptly jump out of it.
Love may not reside in the heart, as folk wisdom would have it, but neither does it reside in a single molecule.
Folk wisdom has long associated fast walking with certain urban environments (hello, New Yorkers!)
When it comes to folk wisdom on how to raise happy and successful kids, we all do the same thing.
Folk wisdom has it that such converts come to the priest on Sunday and to the traditional African religious leader on Monday.
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