Sentences with phrase «follow normal routines»

Summer wreaks havoc on our diets because many of us don't follow normal routines, whether it's due to a vacation, kids being home all day, or lots of food - focused social events after work and on the weekends; they make us more likely to cheat on our diets, a little here and there.
I washed it off and followed my normal routine.
They groom themselves, follow a normal routine, interact with their owner, and eat and eliminate regularly.
Just follow your normal routine, except do not speak to him at all.

Not exact matches

When traveling, use saltwater nasal spray in your infant's nose on long flights and follow the child's normal nap and bedtime routine.
If you are visiting family, you will most likely have use of a washer and dryer and can follow your normal wash / dry routine.
We stuck it out — following our usual routine and things did go back to normal eventually.
He laid out this structure with great care: normal science (routine scientific work), with its specific accompanying paradigm and a dedication to solving puzzles; followed by serious anomalies produced by research, which lead to a crisis; and finally resolution of that crisis by the creation of a new paradigm.
While it's likely the normal weekday routine of any adult, it's also similar to the schedule followed by busy kids all over the country.
If you're used to following a workout with a banana and a bar, this recipe takes your normal routine and gives it a twist.
Following a routine colonoscopy in March (everything OK), my bowels have never returned to normal.
If you follow my tips well and make you you adopt these lifestyle and dietary practices as part of your normal daily routine, you will be well on your way to keep your mouth and throat free from bad bacteria and yeasts like Candida.
Stocking healthy food in the house is good insurance that you won't binge the following day when you return to your normal eating routine.
So the best way is to exfoliate my face while doing my skincare routine and then follow the normal foundation routine.
To me, I think a key to mastering a great Spring makeup look is all about making small changes to your normal makeup routine that you follow already.
I then follow the moisturizer with my normal makeup routine.
That way they are in their own environment following their normal daily routine.
Many cats with FIV can be expected to live a relatively long and normal life, especially with routine veterinary care and regular follow - ups.
Some dogs are a bit less active for a day or two following surgery, but others want to jump right back into their normal routine of romping and playing.
A surprise visit from his brother whom he previously thought was dead gives Nathan the excuse that he needs to escape the shackles of everyday boring «normal» routine and what follows is a somewhat typical Uncharted adventure, filled with the typical «bad guy», the mysteries of history showing that some of the best architects in the world died a long time ago and this time, with an ending that brings a finality to the proceedings.
An anxiety scale was constructed based on the child behaviour check list (CBCL / 1.5 — 5)[40] and included the following seven items: «clings to adult or is too dependent», «is upset when separated from care - giver», «will not sleep alone», «opposes to go to bed at night», «is afraid of trying new things», «is upset about any change to the normal routine», and «is afraid and worried».
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