Sentences with phrase «follow the things jesus»

Sorry, but I don't see how the horde of «spiritual but not religious» people are any worse than the (far larger) group of «people who call themselves Christian but don't actually follow the things Jesus told them to do».

Not exact matches

The great thing about Jesus» teachings is that all of the laws and commandments from the Bible, many of which you just posted, will be followed by someone who loves God with all of their heart, all of their mind and all of their soul; and if they love their neighbor as themselves.
Do we find that Jesus said we are to simply follow the «golden rule», or do we instead see that Jesus told us to do many things?
The true Christlike thing to do would be to sell his shop and the rest of his possessions and give the money to the poor, and to hate and abandon his family to follow Jesus.
In the following years, Lewis moved from theism into the thing itself, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
next thing they'll be doing is following Jesus with the whole wilting trees thingy because their branches bare too much fruit.
and at the time of jesus moses gallileo newton charles darwin, people opposed them but ultimately the same people bowed to their eternal truth, so norm is man made not natural and it changes from time to time, the only thing which is self reliant and unchanging is mother nature, so Sikh faith is not a ritualistic dumb faith, indeed it's a lifestyle which tells to «Respect and follow The Laws of Nature and not to destroyy the beauty of nature».
I urge you to go back through my comments in which I established the following (comments in this article and in another, Five things you didn't know about Jesus): 1.
I respect your experience but it is still anecdotal and limited — it is not definitive hence my suggestion that you paint with a narrower brush lest you do the very thing that you are guarding against... You resist those who criticize «other ways of following Jesus» while doing a bit of the same to those who see value in the institution as a spiritual reality even if not an ideal one...
My point was, if Jesus was humble and back then told his disciples to sell all they had and follow him, then he must not have been to bog on adorning ones self with the riches and material things of the Earth.
Does he follow Jesus words to «Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations... teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you»?
And the saddest thing about having to be on that «demigod» pedestal is that there are too many people in the pews who forcibly place you up there because it's easier to follow a fleshly person than it is to follow Jesus.
Funny thing is, those same people rarely follow their own advice or the things Jesus clearly and plainly says, such as loving others.
We do not all understand these things alike, and rather than condemn others for the way they understand these things and follow Jesus, is it not best that each of us focus on where Jesus is leading us?
Of great interest to me, as with all documents written during the first three centuries of the church, is to read what things were like before the conversion of Constantine when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and transformed from a simple way of following Jesus into the powerful Christendom that still rules today.
Christendom: I think that Christianity as a religion, which purports to call people to follow Jesus, but uses money, power, and political prestige to force «Christianity» on others, is nothing other than the adoption of all the things which Satan promised Jesus in Luke 4, but which Jesus turned down.
someone has misled you about a few things but just as Jesus and his followers in the first century did anyone who follows Jesus teachings does go door to door and makes disciples, (Matt.28: 19,20) but the hope is for all not just 144,000.
So it is possible then (and now as well) to follow Jesus without believing in some of these things.
Let's replace it with words for things also prohibited for people claiming to be following Jesus, like «a compulsive liar».
If you want to reach our culture for Jesus, the best (and most biblical) thing you can do is show people Jesus and invite them to follow Jesus with you.
If there's one thing that stands out in 2017 (the year when various segments of Christianity cling ever tighter to either «Free Market Jesus» or «Social Justice Jesus») it's Johnson's courage to risk awkwardness for following in the footsteps of Christ's relational boldness.
Phase 3: I buy the latest Shane Claiborne book, read it in two days, and resolve that following Jesus means selling all my things, sleeping with the homeless, and starting a monastic community.
I have written over 2000 blog posts on this blog, and while it may not be obvious on all the posts, every single one of them has been focused on one thing: I want to follow Jesus wherever He leads and I invite you to do the same.
If, as these religious leaders espouse, that they hate the «sin», but loves the «sinner», then why have they failed to follow in Jesus «footsteps» (1 Pet 2:21) and go to the homes of the people, «teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you»?
Jesus said to his true disciples, following his resurrection: «Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.»
Some of these things are really very difficult to figure out, and those who follow Jesus have varying opinions.
That is the same thing, Catholic and atheists are in the same way, following the anti-Chist, living with tha same world, the kindom of Jesus is no of this world, his kindom is based in his apostoles and making diferents ways whitout paganism, idolatry and not asocieted with the famous, the walthty, the politicis, the mobsters, diferent?
The sad thing is that many of us Christians don't really follow the bible or the teachings of true christianity especially when we SAY we follow Jesus but in reality truely ARE N't.
The good news is we can be freed from this constant obsession about being «right» or «wrong», because when it comes to following Jesus, being «right» is not the most important thing.
The latter group (that would be those who identify as «Christianity», but are not following Jesus) are well - known for doing and saying things that do not look like Jesus.
In doing so we were able to separate the Things That Mattered Most from The Things that Probably Don't Matter at All in our theology and practice of following Jesus.
Attending church is not the same thing as being the church or following Jesus daily into the world.
The only thing that is truly relevant in this topic is weather or not THE Christian is a TRUE follower of Jesus Christ (those that follow him in deed and not word only).
They don't know what it means to follow Jesus and probably couldn't tell you the first thing about the Bible.
Might it be time to find your place among followers of Jesus who concentrate on following Jesus, loving others, and helping those who need help rather than among those who spend their time worrying about «marital cultural traditions» and similar things?
Note that following Jesus is not the same thing as copying Jesus.
Indeed many things have been done in Christendom, although often at the behest of the political / religious establishment to further their causes, that do not follow the example of Jesus or the principles set forth in the Gospel.
Wow, so what you are saying is that bad things, suffering or catastrophies never happen to people who follow Jesus...?
I suspect most Americans are Deists... which in and of itself carries several variations The short list is strict Deist; no involvement by God in daily things (wind the clock and let it tick down), Christian Deist; believeing in the goodness of Jesus Christ and following his ways, but not acknowleding his divinity (same could be said for any number of historical figures), and those Deists who believe God does intervene on occasion in the world.
So, for example, if your hear a pastor saying, «You have to take up your cross daily and follow Jesus in order to go to heaven when you die,» you can look in the text he is preaching from (maybe Matthew 16:24 - 26 or Luke 9:23 - 26), and see that Jesus is talking about saving your life (which is NOT the same thing as receiving eternal life) by living in a profitable way here on earth (cf. Luke 9:24 - 25).
While we see nothing inherently wrong with these things, we understand that committing to follow Jesus — to begin dying to yourself every day — is a decision that can require a different expression than just a hand being raised.
Clive, you point out how others often don't understand what Jesus was saying; but while Jesus often labors to try and make things clear to the unbeliever («Oh, you of little faith) or at the very least the author tries to make it clear for us in retrospect (At the time they didn't understand that he spoke of this...), in this case Jesus switches from something that might be figurative to essentially say «no, I seriously mean this» and it concludes not with Jesus saying «don't go away, this is what I actually mean» but confirming that people would refuse to accept that God intended for them to actually fill themselves with the life that He offered so they stopped following him.
I am not comparing myself to Jesus, but when I write, I try to follow this example and state things in a way that will help us all think together about what it means to follow Jesus.
Really, so few Christians actually think it is consistent to follow Jesus and kill others, so why continue to post these things?
Personally we should expect persecution when we are following Jesus and walking by the spirit Jesus said that as he was persecuted so will we.It may not be to the same extent that other believers in foreign countries who are losing there lives for there faith.But persecution for righteousness is necessary for us to grow in our faith just as a tree that is buffeted by winds grows stronger roots.You could call these tests or trails or tribulations or persecutions of a type.What ever comes our way we know that all things work for good to those who love the Lord.brentnz
The one thing God wants is the one thing Satan doesn't: followers of Jesus who actually follow Jesus into the world.
When Girard first argued for the superior revelatory power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in Part 2 of Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, he immediately followed it with an analysis that did not in a like manner argue for the superiority of «Christian» culture.
One.Life: Jesus Calls, We Follow by Scot McKnight Zondervan (review copy) 4 shamrocks Scot McKnight is above all things a great teacher, and his teaching skills shine in his latest book, One.Life.
Whether to follow his example or not is a personal choice everyone gets to make, but at least make an informed choice, knowing who Jesus actually was, and what he actually did and is doing, and not assuming the the over 44,000 Christian denominations are all telling the truth — not even logical since they are all saying different things, and the Bible says God's people would be united.
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