Sentences with phrase «follow typical rules»

If you follow typical rules, you're going to get a typical result: no job offer.
The gameplay is less unusual, following the typical rules and systems we've already seen in a number of Dragon Quest games.
Instead of following the typical rules of supply and demand, which indicate that prices rise when demand is high and supply is short, home values in the city are staying relatively flat.

Not exact matches

The rules of communication tend to follow your typical sleeper cell or drug - dealing outfit.
The Winterton's «only following the rules, guv» approach is typical of the arrogance of privilege that seems all too common among MPs that sit in safe seats they have held for decades.
In my experience, it takes most genetically typical drug - free trainees 8 - 10 years of training to reach their peak weights... I know that sucks, but if you follow the «rules» presented here you just might cut that time in half (or even better).
What works about this movie is how self - aware it is, and how it states typical scenarios and rules you can follow, and then makes sure to do things in a different way.
While a typical math major may only need to understand one way to approach a problem, «a good math teacher should understand three to four reasons why, if you multiply fractions, you follow the rules you do,» he said.
As a rule, a typical dissertation contains the following sections:
While Buffet doesn't recommend that the typical investor cherry - pick stocks — he prefers conservative bonds and low - fee index funds for that purpose — Pysh and Brodersen emphasize that he makes sure to follow each of these four rules before investing in any company:
The following are typical rules at dog parks:
While there is no shortage of games that would technically qualify as MMORPGs on the App Store, most of them follow the typical free to play game formula and lack the real substance that made the genre so compelling back when games like EverQuest and World of Warcraft were ruling the roost.
The pertinent section of the Colorado Revised Statutes (2016), strongly influenced by the language of the Model Penal Code (which never adopted in full by any state but highly influential stylistically in how U.S. criminal codes are drafted) is very typical of the majority rule regarding the defense of others and reads as follows (emphasizing the language relevant to the scenario in the question):
His previous resume, while it followed the typical «rules» of resume writing didn't really convey what he wanted it to.
Typical kids know there's a line you just don't cross and — except for testing limits sometimes — they generally follow your rules and respond to consequences.
With an average household income of $ 75,000, a typical Toronto family can afford some $ 380,000 to $ 420,000 in insured mortgage debt, following the federal government's new mortgage rules announced last fall.
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