Sentences with phrase «following century»

Madalina grew up watching her parents and grandparents follow centuries old nourishing traditions both for the spirit as well as the body.
You'll explore village life by following century - old trails into the mountains, search for rhinos and tigers in Chitwan, and visit the medieval town of Bandipur.
(Seen in this context, some of the most controversial Whitney biennials that followed a century later seem almost tame.)
The amount of greenhouse gas pollution released globally annually stabilized in recent years following centuries of growth, but there are no robust signs that emissions are falling.
Our trek follows the centuries old Inca Trail through cloud forest alive with bright orchids and butterflies, and crosses high passes giving sensational views.
Experienced hand - crafters from Lithuania create unique and intricate necklaces, bracelets, pendants, rings and earrings, which follow century's old European style.
The plot is set in a fictional history of real word events and follows a centuries old struggle between the Assassins, who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars, who desire peace through control.
That was followed a century later, in 1614, by Brerewood's Enquiries touching the diversity of languages, and religions through the chiefe parts of the world, which ran through some thirteen editions in the seventeenth century, in English, French, and Latin.
He followed the centuries old tradition of this «religion».
And in the following century, Canada's Fathers of Confederation set up «a Constitution similar in Principle to that of the United Kingdom,» consisting of a popularly elected House of Commons, an appointed Senate and an appointed Governor General to represent the Queen.
But all of the wealth that Spain had managed to amass during the sixteenth century was lost in the Spanish trade crisis of the following century.
This continued during the following centuries, Volta and Ampere (after whom the units of electricity are named) were Christians, as were the pioneers of optics Foucault, Fizeau and Fraunhofer and the mathematicians Cauchy and Hermite.
The following centuries of monastic experimentation gave them deep insights into humility, and into the great theological virtues of faith, hope and charity, They understood the Gospels to be saying that we are meant for great things — meant to live in imitation of Christ himself.
In the third century, some parts of the church celebrated Christmas on January 6, but during the following century the date was settled on December 25, the traditional date of a pagan festival of rebirth.
By the second half of the following century the dualistic view became transmuted into scientific materialism.
Further, it will be shown, this diversity continued to some degree among the early Christians and is present in the New Testament, and in spite of the fact that the more materialistic interpretation became dominant by the end of the first century, some diversity of thought continued into the following centuries.
The separation of Judah was a prime policy of Nehemiah and Ezra and became an aspect of the thought of the following centuries.
In the following century Hosea was still trying to convince Israel that it was not Baal but their own God YHWH «who gave her corn, new wine, and oil... who lavished upon her silver and gold which they spent on the Baal».2 Many scholars have noted the disguised reference to Adonis made by Isaiah, and which the New English Bible has rendered,
Before the end of the fifteenth century those geographic discoveries were in progress which in the following centuries were to carry Christianity around the world and plant it in areas which heretofore had not known it.
I think one of the major problems with it, is that it was formulated in the late 1800's, before many significant archaeological discoveries over the following century that contradict the theory.
He celebrates the seventeenth century as the age of genius, and he notes that also in the following centuries there have been enormous advances in the sciences.
Their national consciousness and their preaching made a great impact among the common people who faithfully carried their reformers» work throughout the following centuries.
The conclusion is inescapable that there was in general a twofold origin of the church, with two centers in Palestine from the lifetime of Jesus down at least to the war under Hadrian, in Galilee, and down to the war under Nero and later, in Judea — and then on into the following centuries, when successive conquest and exodus scattered the little Christian communities far and wide, down to the Mohammedan conquest in the seventh century, and even to this day.
But the present story gives us a form of celebration developed over the seven or eight following centuries (12:21 - 27 appears to derive from the older J stratum; but 12:1 - 13, 43 - 49 is of the P character).
The success of the seventeenth century in physics led to a generalization of its territory to metaphysics — the claim to explain all of reality — in the following centuries, This extension left no room for life, beauty, value, or even perceived qualities in the supposed «real» world it defined.
Initially, he may only have been Moses» tribal or family deity, but as Israel's religion developed during the following centuries, the name of Yahweh took on a more comprehensive and eventually monotheistic character.
An essential prophetism was present in ancient Israel long before the rise and development of the classical prophetic moment of the eighth and following centuries.
Hume's phenomenalism was so radical that it was largely ignored in Great Britain during the following century.
Since Melanchthon was also responsible for the education of the Lutheran ministry, his reinstatement of Aristotle into the curriculum had far - reaching consequences for the whole history of Lutheran theological debate in the following century.
Over the following centuries, control of Florence changed hands many times between these two groups and families built towers to provide protection from their enemies within the city.
For authentic, homemade tortilla taste, TortillaLand ® gluten - free corn tortillas are made from stone - ground corn masa, following a centuries - old traditional recipe.
In 1894, Henry C. Precythe founded what would over the following century evolve into Southern Produce Distributors Inc., now headquartered in Faison, NC.
Magna Carta was repeatedly reissued over the course of the following century, as the 1225 version passed onto the statute books and became the authoritative standard handed down to future generations.
This principle carried the seeds of Parliamentary government, which flourished briefly in 1265 under the leadership of Simon de Montfort, and grew throughout the following centuries into the defining principle of our political constitution.
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